Thursday, August 23, 2018

Gossip, Gossip Everywhere

"Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered." ...Proverbs 11:13


So for awhile I freely read articles written by/about folks all angry-wild regarding President Trump's election. 

I felt uncomfortable doing this but, truthfully, all the spinning-eyed screaming fascinated me. I've been around a long time, but had never seen this before. (Please tell me you get that.)

Then one afternoon in my discomfort it's as though my conscience quipped, "You know you're reading gossip, right?"

Huh? Goody-two-shoes me?

So I looked up the definition of gossip--

1. Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
2. person who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or 
3. a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about 
other people.
4. Gossiper: someone who enjoys talking idly, especially about the affairs of others; to go 
about tattling.

Oh my.

Now (I felt) it's not like I was spreading what I read. Sheesh, I kept most of it to myself or, ok, discussed it with Tom only (that doesn't count, does it? heh). 

No, but I was more-hungrily-than-I'll-confess reading what others were spreading. Like one who dines, who partakes in what gossipers had cooked up, sitting there at the table beside them, nibbling away, silently--but listening with both ears.


Now, this is what I experienced, how I felt and I'm sure some of you are thinking up sometimes-it's-fine exceptions. That's ok--you do as you feel led.

Anyway, since then I've cut waaay back on similar 'news articles' and have, sadly, stepped away from friends (unfollowed, like at Facebook) 'involved with malicious chatter.' Well, occasionally I check on them because, hey! 1.) I still care about them and 2.) I hope they've moved on to better, more vital Life things. I peek to see if they're at least praying for our President (and others) rather than wishing the whole kit and caboodle, ill will.

And some, whew, have ceased their hysteria and switched to a calmer mode of discontent where strong walls fold down and God can speak more clearly.

And that's what I long for us all--God's point of view honored and gossip abandoned for a finer truth, even one whose dead-center appears hard to grasp, but where peace abides inside--anyway--no matter the upheaval 'round us.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."   ... Ephesians 4:29

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” 
― Henry Thomas Buckle

The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;
    they go down into the inner parts of the body."   ... Proverbs 18:8  (And personally, I don't want those kinds of morsels down in my inner parts. Who knows what trouble they'll cause down there?)

"It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret."   ... Ephesians 5:12


Tom and I so enjoyed Reverie, a show about people longing to escape their present lives into a virtual world they could create exactly as they wished.

Rather timely content, I'm thinking.

Yet week after week they showed us the flaws of that, why escapism isn't a good permanent choice and why some dreams just cannot be.

Really, such a perfect summer show, for me especially, when the humidity had me wishing, longing for somewhere else much cooler where I could actually spend time outside. 😉

Check it out here or On Demand, Hulu,  Amazon, etc.


Oh, and recently I wanted a piece of glass to top this 'book table' beneath the window--

-- and found such a great price for one at Store Supply Warehouse, a place I'd never heard of. But I saw, like, a bazillion positive ratings there, so took a chance.

Wow. The glass (I ordered a shelf in a nearly perfect size) arrived quickly, in one piece and I'll definitely use this company again in my quest to make this little house more of what I like.

Just thought I'd mention this store. Take a look at what they have, here.



  1. So true Debra and almost impossible to avoid if you get on Facebook at all. “This world is not my home, I’m just apassin through” is a hymn I find myself singing several times a day anymore. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. This might sound lame, but the news, rumors, and modern political practices wear me out! Betsy, I think the last line of the song you referred to is, "And I can't feel at home in this world anymore." Whenever I read the papers, watch the news, flip through some tv shows, I can't believe how much has changed in the past few decades. However, I am thankful that we can still choose what we want to read and watch. The pursuit of truth is a worthy cause!

  3. I'd never thought of it from the perspective of gossip but of course you're right. I don't take part in anyone's political views on FB, have been known to "snooze" friends of both parties. I remember when I was growing up, even in the Southern Baptist church where we went, that my parents' friends were from both parties. It was accepted that some thought differently but friendships didn't end and insults weren't hurled. That was a different time, wasn't it?

    When we despair of things ever becoming genteel again I guess we just have to see that our own small world is as kind as possible.

  4. You're welcome, Betsy. <3 I still enjoy Facebook so much, though. I find many good, uplifting posts and I'm grateful I'm back in touch with people I thought lost to me decades ago. I try to just remember (and comment upon) those good posts rather than the others (and again, often I unfollow some for awhile till they 'snap out of it'). :) There's still so many happy things going on out there, everywhere, and I'm glad to be alive to see it. (Yeah, went pretty Pollyanna there, but what are ya gonna do? heh)

    Hi Pam--mostly these days I'm just reading headlines of the negative stuff and leaving it at that. It seems to work well for me. Also I try to keep myself doused in all the good news out there--there's still so much, thank-goodness! But yes, like you, I do often think of Heaven these days. Gee, it's gonna be so refreshing to be there! :)

    Dewena--I know, right? Tom and I have discussed how when we grew up, people belonged to different parties, but still they remained friends and did *not* stand around arguing (or only super rarely). Times really have changed and it's great to know that we're still free to make good choices and live in harmony as much as it lies within us (as the Bible says). And yes! It's always possible to make our own homes and little worlds the genteel place we'd like the world to be. I know that's been a goal of mine especially these last 4 years or so--and frankly--I enjoy the challenge.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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