Tuesday, August 07, 2018

What Makes You Feel Like (The Real) You?

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."   ... James 1:5


One night last month while upstairs hurrying to lecture Sammy The Cat (don't ask), I tripped over the edge of a box fan. 

Sigh. Turns out I bruised two toes and hurt the muscle in my right arm.

Anyway, I returned to my comforting little closet bed, sulked, and remembered how, at 7-years-old, I'd fall and think only, "I skinned my knee again. I hope it doesn't bleed and stain my pedal pushers."

Remember those?

Huh. You go tripping at 59 and it's totally different.

You feel 'jarred' all over. Shaken. 
As though you're an elephant and you tipped over. Crash!
Like it happened so fast, you weren't even present for the middle part.
And you consider taking a whole day (or two) off to recover.

Well, I did take the next day off. 

I tried to do only those things I could've in 1979. I left the Internet alone. Tied on an apron and unearthed vintage women's magazines plus a couple 1950's soda shoppe books. Switched on my retro music radio station, made hot chocolate, then later, watched an old Bogart film. I browsed the magazines on the front porch and gazing at the river, dreamed and imagined myself younger and back in my graceful I-was-a-gymnast days.

Long, long years ago, those.

Tom called and I asked him to bring home dinner. By day's end? I felt like I'd traveled on a healing vacation, back to a whole other happy decade.

How sweet that was.

Funny, but a couple days before, I'd read a headline stating more people than ever ask for personal days off from work. Boy oh boy, do I get that. If ol' Debra had a real job? I'd take every hour off allowed to me. 

With no guilt, either. You'll not find me putting on a (phony) brave, I-don't-need-nothin' face! Uh, no. 

The point of this post? I hope you know exactly what you need in order to heal from, heck, just living in this crazy-spinning, everybody's-freaking-out world of ours. 

What soothes your heart and calms your mind? It shocks me, but lots of women my same (advanced) age still don't know what they need. Instead, they --

muddle along,
complain and feel dauncey a lot,
insist they're fine,
strong as a proverbial horse, 
while stuffing hurts down deep, 
then secretly having panic attacks
or just a sad, half-lived, wishful Life.

If that's you, please ask yourself today, "What do I, personally, need in order to happily do the same ol' tasks day in, day out? What will keep me going? Do I need more of something? More of God or time alone or hours with friends or viewing my life differently or doing new things?"

"What will keep me out of ruts and self-pity? What will help me 'finish my course with joy'?"

We lie to ourselves sometimes and insist we need a huge thing, something impossible right now--but don't do that, ok?

Just know thyself, please. Become acquainted with those small things which add smiles to your journey. I'm thinking it's vital that we let God help us move forward, in healthy ways, first, before we can successfully help others.

"... let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us...so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."   ...Hebrews 12:1, Acts 20:24

Yikes! After reading some comments here and at Facebook, I'd better add that my 'trip' happened 2 weeks ago and I'm fine now. Healed relatively fast, actually--it surprised me.

Lately Tom and I have spoken about our need to slow down--and how that will help us make fewer mistakes. But that's a whole other post--stay tuned.


Want to listen to my local retro radio station? Go here.


A peek at my Happy Place upstairs where I can go to feel restored and myself again---

We found that piece of glass on the curb Saturday while driving home from the latest Mission Impossible movie (which we much enjoyed).


Tom and I watched (On Demand) The Man Who Invented Christmas. We both (surprisingly) enjoyed it a lot. 



  1. Sorry about your fall, Debra. You're right...when I was 7, I was so daring, I didn't even care about falling or hurting myself. Boy, times change. A couple of years ago, I had a whopper of a fall, and I've tried to be more careful ever since. I loved reading what you did on your day off. It makes sense to take care of ourselves. Plus, it's good for our daughters and other young women in our lives, to see us living well.

  2. Boy, oh boy, can I relate Debra. After I fell and fractured my back two winters ago it took months to even be able to be halfway mobile again. And I’m still not the same. I have learned that when I have a day where I just need to coddle myself I don’t feel guilty. I sit in my rocking chair pick up my knitting and watch Netflix with no regrets. I hope you are feeling much better my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. Be patient! Recovery will likely not be as swift as the fall. Slowing down and wider margins have proved practical for me at this stage of life. I've found it difficult to find role models however...

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    We loose our excellent balance and easy movements we had as kids little by little. I off and on wonder just when it was I could last jump high or stand forever on one foot or such basic things. Kind of sad but this is life. I am though working on my balance. With arthritic legs and knees and other problems I need good balance as I walk wobbly enough already! In our large garden we have a lot of hoses on the ground and also some of it is downhill. I go slowly and keep my eyes out for trouble! I have fallen 3 times within 10 years back there. It only left maybe a bruise and hurt my pride though. I thank Jesus that I was not hurt.

    There are days I Need to rest. I know just the few things that need doing around the house and garden to keep things going temporally. I do that then stop and take the day off. It took a while to stop feeling lazy doing it but then I knew I knew my body better than anyone and this was a needed rest. I rest and read and if something takes my fancy I get into it but mainly I take the day off.

    For me I only watch only so much news and pick the channels. Same with my internet usage. I have never liked scary type shows, movies or books. Just personal. When I read or see things that are upsetting for me they stay with me. Especially before bed. I hear plenty and do read or listen to anything I need to know but don't over do. So many news stories get repeated over and over. Especially controversial ones. ! :)
    I enjoy my home. It is my personal haven and hubby and I love being home. I tried going to gardening clubs and others monthly but after few years I quit most of those. I liked my nights without other activities. Some people can go here and there and be on the road a lot but it is not us.

    And oh yes I remember pedal pushers. My mother even had that exact pattern. :-)) I wear them still. I look at the younger generations and remember how it used to be in those young bodies. To walk forever or bike all over and not even ache. I am so happy they have this time in their lives. I only wish I had taken up yoga or such earlier or not gained any weight etc. But that is then and now I am getting into what I want and starting again to do stretching etc. ...It does not use to regret what can't be changed. I can only be a mentor to help others through life if they will let me and God gives me the the grace to do it well. Thank you agin Debra. There is no one else I know of in blogdom that brings up such interesting things. But then God made only one Debra. :-))))) Sarah

  5. Pam--so true! It's great when we can learn lessons so that our daughters can watch us and perhaps not have to learn lessons the hard way. ... smile.

    Betsy--so great you can relax without guilt! That seems to be so hard for many these days. I think it's easier after we've learned to accept ourselves as we are and stop competing. Right?

    Rebecca--all better now! :) And yep, we do need to slow down more as we age. I hope to blog about that soon.

    Sarah--thanks for sharing with us who you are and what you enjoy! And thanks, too, for reading here so long and for being an encouragement to me.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.