Thursday, August 31, 2017

No Rhyme, No Reason -- Just All From Facebook

Facebook often gets a bad rap, so today I'll give it a good one. Just call this a sort of scrapbook of items I saw and liked there. 

May they touch, tickle or inspire you, as well. (Click any photos to enlarge.)

Must make these! So adorable.

This gorgeous hairstyle came via an Etsy post. (I'm thinking I want to wear my hair like this in Heaven. Anyone else?)

"Allow every storm you go through, every bad break, to push you to trust God in a greater way. When you don’t think you’ll make it through, God turns it around. He gives you strength when you don’t think you can go on."    ---- Joel Osteen

                  *   *   *

Here's the trailer from the upcoming movie, I Can Only Imagine. Can't wait to see this!

*   *   *

And if you've never read about the Cane Ridge Revival from 1801, here's a good article. (Although folks who prefer God In a Box, might not like this much.)  😞


And  what are you working willingly at with your hands today?


Oh! And just one more thing-- this story about a dog who often takes  the bus to the dog park all by himself.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Keeping It Strife-Free Inside My Head

"For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."   ... Matthew 12:37


Tom flew away to Iowa on Monday so I'm here playing with the new weed-whacker and hedge trimmer he bought for me and watering garden beds since--finally--our rain has stopped.

Though after what happened in Houston, really, I need to stop complaining about that (rain). 

This Summer? The type which makes me long for even a Winter of blizzards, but now, color me grateful that my rougher-than-I-told-you Summer did not wash my house away.

What a scary world is ours, right? If it's not natural disasters, it's unnatural strife and how sad that the arguments still creep in during a tragic life-snatching flood. 

I mean, since the 80's, God's given me super patience with non-Christians who act like rabid wolves and make accusations, for the Bible says satan has blinded their minds. They don't get it. The Holy Spirit's not there to explain things to them, to calm their frenetic heads, or to help them love difficult people supernaturally.

But when (like at Facebook this week) it's the Christians acting like wolves, showing no mercy, but attacking, shredding other Christians because of assumed evil motives? Oh, my eyes get squinty-mad and my heart goes all rolling boil-ish.

Oh dear. But then I must return to calm. To forgiveness. 

It's so not worth gripping anger while watching your peace float away. Crashing waves must be told 'peace, be still,' otherwise their loudness drowns out God and how then will I hear His voice? 

How will I walk in obedience (and not grieve the Holy Spirit) if I can't even hear His instructions?

What I want is the peace Jesus died to give me, the kind the world cannot snatch away. I don't have to understand the tragedies or mayhem--I just need to cling to the One who's never confused or scared by any of it.

He is the rock which no storm in Life--nothing--can ever roll away.

"There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."   ... Proverbs 12:18

"No one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spirit."   ... 1 Corinthians 2:11


Looking for a way to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey? Here's one way. (And yes, there are many more.)  


My dear friend, Dolores, is having a heart procedure done today and I know she'd appreciate your prayers. Thanks so much!


Remember that set of towels I told you about? Amazingly, they're even cheaper this week! (Never even imagined that happening. Tsk. Tsk. Oh me of little faith.)  😊  Here you go.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Gifts. Everywhere, Perfect Gifts.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."   ... James 1:17


You know how you can love a favorite author, actor or even friend then, whoa! They change, say/do things which shake and tumble them way down your Favorite People List?

Well, a dear friend informed me that a co-favorite author of ours has become all unglued and bitter (my words, not hers) especially since November's election, and not just about politics, either. 

It's discouraging (and a tad shocking) because her books promote peace, sweetness and gratitude.

Well, I realized something, though perhaps this is just for myself, ok? (You can take it or leave it.) 

In Today's volatile world, more than before, I will place God on a pedestal, but not even my 'Christian heroes'. I'll remember everyone, (even me), has a dark side. And I'll remind myself to view remarkable, creative gifts as coming from God, separately from the vessel through which they arrived.

The books which bless and teach me how to live and share? They arrived via 'the Father of the heavenly lights' who knew exactly when I needed them.

The artwork which inspires me and spins whimsical dreams inside my head? Ditto. From the God who knows what lightens my burdens.

The music which becomes my life's keep-your-heart-dancing soundtrack? Yes, from God, who led me to find splendid tunes.

This way, this view, will keep me calm. Forgiving. Free.

Let all the authors, painters and musicians go crazy/weird/angry(!) Oh, I'll pray for them, but Life will still shine because I saw the deeper purposes and the bigger God who handed me good and perfect gifts through imperfect vessels---and changed my life forever.

"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."  ... Romans 12:4-8

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."   ... Ephesians 4:32

Life is too short to live it with a sour heart.


Oh wow. This arrived yesterday---

---- a just-what-I'd-searched-for book, one which actually makes me anticipate winter when I'll snuggle upon the red couch with an afghan, hot chocolate and beautiful pages like these---

(If you're interested, some copies are a tad cheaper at Abebooks.)

Oh, and do any of you know of a similar author/artist (not counting Susan Branch, whose work I already know well)? I'd love to gather a couple more books like this one for the winter just down the road. You can leave me a comment here or at Facebook or at  Thanks!


And for my fellow thrift store treasure hunters, this was fun ---

7 Items You Should Never Pass Up At The Thrift Store


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Now That Summer Has Settled Down ------

The best five words your local weather guy can say during Summertime? 

"The cold front is here."

Ooooo... Already my poor ol' head feels ten years younger and the varied, annoying tests of this summer no longer appear so trying. I hate that summer turns me into such a baby (oh, that we'd just have long Springtimes, instead!), yet most likely Summer is good for me-- certainly makes me rely upon God even more than usual and can that ever be a bad thing?

Anyway, low 70's all the rest of the week here and even in the 60's tomorrow. Whew. (Color me happy dancing and anticipating Heaven where we'll never have hot, humid Summers again!)

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”   ... Revelation 21:4


Speaking of that, I forgot to tell you that after Glen Campbell passed away, I listened to my favorite song of his from 30 years ago, a song which makes Today's worldly strife seem so petty. I cried a lot, mostly from being so thrilled for him, for in 2015, Tom and I watched Glen's documentary, I'll Be Me, at Netflix and felt like we'd actually met him. So now I'm celebrating that he's healed, has crystal-clear alertness, and is singing in a most glorious Heaven.

You may not have heard this incredible song before, so here you go --

No More Night

And I'm praying that all who read this blog would, also, have the assurance that they'll be spending eternity with God. As the verse below my blog header says--- Jesus answered, "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me."

Eternity is such a very, very long time.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.” 
― Erma Bombeck


Hobbit Cottage had needed a lavender plant for years so I finally bought a tiny one online weeks ago. I love to pinch lavender leaves after I've opened the garage door for Tom then sniff my fingers while stepping through the grass to the back door. 

Maybe Heaven (or parts of it) will smell a bit like lavender. Who knows?

(And now I'm considering gathering a little bunch and hanging it in my sweet tiny closet bedroom.)


And speaking of plants, here's an interesting article for anyone with a 'brown thumb'---

Five Outdoor Plants You Can't Kill

(And let me say from experience, plants like those can make anyone feel like a master gardener. Oh and add mint--but plant it in pots.)   😉


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Rejection: The Great Side of It

Considering the imploding friendships I've viewed since November's election, I thought perhaps this post from September of 2013 might be timely.


"The devil will always try to use rejection to keep us from moving forward."

That's what a Joyce Meyer Ministries post at Facebook stated this morning and this is how one woman commented:

"I think rejection is God's protection. If someone rejects me, it's
because God is protecting me from them. That's just how I see it."

Wow, the clarity and truth of that. I immediately recalled the various friends and relatives who've rejected me, said adios forever, and nearly all were negative, critical, pessimistic Christians and do I really want that kind of influence?


Do you know what the name, 'Debra', means? This:

"Bee: seeker of the sweet in Life."

And in one place I read, "People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely."

So honestly, this Debra, especially, doesn't have time for the people-haters, the rigid, the no-fun, look-on-the-dark-side non-changers. Why risk absorbing all that poison? And why become upset when a hater rejects me? God is only doing me a favor, making certain nothing hinders me from carrying out His specific purpose, helping me live this vital verse:

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."   ... Proverbs 4:23

So today I'm thanking God for His common-sense protection, even when it felt more like grief. If my times are truly in His hands--if I've honestly given every part of myself to Him--I'll remember that He knows best--

--and I'll be at peace with His ways, even when they're not exactly mine.

And of course, sometimes our friends (and we, also) just go through crazy, what-the-heck? phases, then calm down and return to truth--and old friendships. And that's great, too.


Oh and back to today (August 17, 2017) ---

Due to involved, you-don't-want-to-know circumstances, we needed new bath towels. So I went looking online and good grief! When did they start making towels with gold dust thread?   $$$$$$$. 

Well, just as I considered cursing myself for not buying them during a January white sale (like smart folks do), I clicked upon the towel set, above, for only $16.75 (though currently they're $1 more). They're from Walmart, so I ordered with a bit of trepidation, knowing how towels can look super in a picture, but un-super in your hands.

When they arrived, wow. Talk about just-right-quality! And even though they're more coral than pink, I promptly ordered another set.

There's still a wide variety of colors available. Just thought I'd pass this deal along in case you, too, were towel-desperate.  😉


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Where She Spills Her Pragmatic Side

"My times are in your hands ... "   ...Psalm 31:15


You might remember when I'd visit our local supermarket. They'd play Big Band era music and couples and children, even, danced in the aisles (seriously). 

Those were wonderful times.

Well, my times are still terrific, but--get this--I've only shopped at that store once this year(!) And it's not because they stopped playing that music (they did) nor because they rearranged their aisles so I could find nothing (they did that, too).

No, a new peaceful, organized season came along, one where I shop for groceries online. Calmly I sit here and shop from lists then fill my 'prepper shelves'. They're organized, full, and now I can read wild our-Country's-headed-for-huge-trouble articles (like this one) and not panic. Well, not panic much, because hey, I'm doing what I can, controlling what little I can, and God sends a certain brand of peace with personal obedience.

Oh, and I walk to 7-11 for milk, eggs and bread and since Tom enjoys shopping after work, he picks up fresh foods for us. Well, and also bad foods, but he's improving. 😉 Plus my simple garden is yielding her green onions, strawberries, chives, herbs and cherry tomatoes.

So it's all good 'round here.

Anyway, here's what I wanted to tell you today:  Ebates is very, very cool. 

I finally joined-up and gee, watching money come in simply because I shopped online, well, it's nifty.

Here are my favorite stores (just a tiny percentage of all available) which Ebates rewards me for shopping at--


After just a few weeks (and after I finally added the handy-dandy app.)--I've earned $23. Which hey! Is wonderful for doing nothing. Well, other than shopping online which I'd have done anyway (and gotten zero back in The Old Days). 

Anyway, if you're an online shopper, even a casual one, you might want to check out Ebates. Of course, it's free. And if you spend $25 any place the first couple months, you'll receive a $10 gift card.

Oh, and if you let me refer you, I'll get extra money, even. But that's up to you. I'm not blogging today for money for me, but rather, to be practical and pass along a blessing. Heaven knows we can all use an extra blessing these days. 

(But here's my email address so to receive a referral and help me out, just in case.)  😃   ---

Lastly, I'm loving this new season of shopping from home. It's different, yes, but that's ok. Every new season is unique--God enjoys mixing it up so to keep us leaning heavy on Him rather than upon stale, old traditions or, heaven forbid, ourselves.

That's how we grow and then boldly face all new seasons to come.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."   ... Proverbs 3:5,6

"Learn your lessons well ..."  ... copied


Monday, August 14, 2017

Guarding My Heart Like Crazy Lately

This morning I mowed the lawn. Well, not all of it. No, this summer it's just too much for me, so I simply do the best I can then mow the rest days, or even, one week later.

My Mow It All At Once Season appears to be over.

Then after mowing, I collapsed here in my computer chair and read how my favorite old-fashioned supermarket (in the town where Naomi grew up) is selling-out. They'd been in business since 1922 and I'd shop there over the years and feel all 1922-ish, myself. (Adored that.)

But it looks like my Time Travel Shopping Trip Season is gone, also. 

But you know what all this means, right? I'm in a new season, one with its own surprises and adventures which will someday fade to warm, smile-worthy memories, also.

Yesterday I shared this at Facebook --

My world, our world, changes so abruptly, right? And The News makes certain it shares the bad ones with us.

But you won't find me soaking in the news. 
Nor hating men rather than the principalities behind them. 
Nor speaking in bubbled-over anger from ribs of bitterness.
Nor forwarding Facebook posts from 'groups of mockers.' (Psalm 1:1, below)

No, I'm aiming for what I read at Facebook yesterday --

"If you really care about our Country, instead of complaining, posting, liking, sharing negative, political or any other non-sense, figure out what you can do to make our society better and spend your time and energy on that. We are all guilty of doing this, but I personally vow to make a difference in this world!
Stand up, share your gifts and shine your light!"      ----- Janel MacDougall

I'm sharpening my God-given callings/skills/abilities. Asking that God give me a type of 'spidey sense' when others barely whisper, "Help me!," then to show me what needs doing. And I'll do what I do best (even if it appears tiny) and not feel guilty when others imply it's not enough.

For me, for you, there is no better planet-changing, sacrificial plan than the one He maps out each morning. And avoiding that plan--or trying to overreach and top it--never ends well.

But simple obedience! Oh, that always ends well, even if sometimes the results lodge in realms we can't yet see--but someday will view with crystal clarity.

"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams."   ... 1 Samuel 15:22

"How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers!"   ...Psalm 1:1

When my seasons change, may I be glad I had what I had and not ruin things by wishing it still was what it was.


If you have a couple extra seconds, here's an excerpt from the 'old-fashioned store closing article' which I found to be sweet --

Budwey, known for greeting his customers by name, said he will still visit the store often. He'll keep his office, which is down the hall from the store. But he said it's most important to him that the employees, who have become like extended family for many customers, will remain and keep doing what they do best.
"Our people aren't trained to ask, 'Did you find everything today? They have their own special connections with their customers,'" he said. "I've seen a woman wait in the longest line just because she wants her favorite cashier. That says you're doing something right. And thank God for that employee."
Each year, for prom, Budwey gives all high school senior employees the Memorial Day weekend off. He likes to give free candy bars or doughnuts to children shopping with their parents. And it can take half an hour for him to walk from one end of the store to other, because so many people stop to hug him hello.
__________ Market started in 1922, with Frank's grandmother's store on Oliver Street in ___________. Frank took over the business after his father died in 1972. He was 23 and fresh out of the Army.
It's hard for him to walk away after all these years. But he has a new wife who travels often for work, and he plans to join her and enjoy his retirement.


Eegads! Yesterday I discovered that Blogger hasn't, like it used to, been alerting me to comments which need to be moderated before being published. I went through and approved each non-spammy one, so if you wondered why your perfectly-kind comments over the past month didn't appear, well, now you know. Alas.

(And now I'll watch that moderation page more closely.)


Oh, and be sure to check back next time when I share the absolute easiest way to earn money online. Well, at least for me.   😉
