Friday, August 19, 2016

So What Are You Drinking?

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ... Proverbs 17:22

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."   ... Romans 12:21


So lately it's been like God's encouraging me to drink more.

Let me explain. 

This old world seems twice as bad as usual (and that's saying something) so I'm feeling like I need to absorb, drink, if you will, twice as much of Good Things. You know, so to combat the craziness with a peaceful, calm spirit.

Actually, I've felt God nudging me to watch more Joyce M. and inspirational Youtube videos like Oprah's old episodes (deal with it) and shows where people help others (yes, like Emergency) so I don't just think of myself.

And to meditate more upon the Bible as well as read light-hearted books like ones by Betty MacDonald, Erma Bombeck and Rosemary Taylor so to strengthen my head lest it faint during the News and all that mean-people-stress out there. You know, 'so to keep my head while others are losing theirs.'

Drink-in more, more, more than usual, He says.

And oh! Guess what arrived in my mailbox yesterday?

Oh Clara... I never even met you, but I miss you. How could I not when I read your delightful words like these:

"Pasta with Garlic and Oil... It's still my favorite. I still make it for myself sometimes. I used to use my small pot without the handle to make this. I really loved that pot, but it started getting dangerous lifting it off the hot stove with pliers, so I had to throw it away. I hate to throw things away."

I've bought scads of cookbooks, but Clara's is wildly-awesome. Her stories of Depression Era life invigorate me, push my summer-lazy-self into finally cleaning the bathroom floor beneath the hamper, mowing the lawn, ironing and wiping down the kitchen stove.

I read her book and can't sit still. 

Clara's hard work as a teenager helped her family survive and her words spur me to push past Easyville. I've not told you just how hard this summer's been on me (only hinted), but books like Clara's (and other inspirational outlets mentioned, above) infuse me with what's necessary to more than just survive these humid summer afternoons. With faith and strong hope, I can believe tomorrow will be better.

So what are you drinking--the good stuff? I hope so. Maybe I'll scan the room at the Happiness Within Cafe and see you there. Perhaps we can sit together and count our blessings. 

Now, that would be cool.

"Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again."   ... John 4:13


" ... while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it..."   ... 2 Timothy 3:13,14


You know about Clara's Depression era online cooking videos, right?


Oh! I discovered another vintage blog. It's awesome! Find it here:

The Glamorous Housewife  

And while there, I even discovered Retro Depot. Wow! Fun stuff.



  1. I think I'll need to look for one of Clara's books. I've been spending the summer knitting and watching tiny home videos on utube! I can't stand the new this summer and I'm so tired of the heat. Too bad we don't live closer to encourage each other. I also am writing the Psalms out in a pretty notebook this summer. It lifts my spirits.

  2. I had a posting about her a few years ago! Here:
    and here:

    A wonderful cookbook and a great woman. Sadly, I read that she has since died:

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Some time ago, I watched Clara's Grandson's tribute to her... it was so special! Just heartwarming! I hope my grandkids will think I'm half as wonderful as Clara's did! :)

  4. Haven't been by for a long time, but am glad I did today.
    I, too, am enamored by stories of the depression. I will definitely check out Clara's Kitchen.


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