Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Christian Movie I Didn't Exactly Love

"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord."  ... James 1:6,7


Now, nobody have a cow or anything, all right? :)

On Saturday while eating take-out, Tom and I watched the movie, Miracles From Heaven.


I loved the (short) part after the tree incident, but the rest? Not so much. I mean, I kept waiting for things.

I waited for the family to cling to faith for a good end. To vow to believe for healing no matter what. I waited for a solid, peace-from-trust perseverance to appear. And I especially waited for a deep love for God to shine, the kind which declares "even though He slay me, still will I trust Him."(Job 13:15)

In those 109 minutes, I never spied any of that.  

No, I saw fear. Fear so huge that it pushed out all faith, leaving no room for it. (Even weariness from believing would've been refreshing.) I saw resentment toward God, family and church members, no positive talk about Heaven (before the tree incident), and very little of making the best out of a bad situation (except from mostly the non-Christians). There was a brief mention of 'Jesus will be with you, also,' to another patient, but it felt surprising almost. Like it came from an untouched field where the main character hadn't walked, herself.

And yes, this movie was based on a family's true journey which 'was what it was.' It would be wrong to portray the story in a more strong-faith, powerful light and I'd never suggest that, of course.

It all just discouraged me. Why? Because the world longs for God and answers and godly heroes, but we in 2016 so often disappoint them. We're generally missing those things, ourselves, so we cannot give them to the hungry.

If only we'd allow the Holy Spirit to remake us. To let the Bible change the way we think, behave and speak in all situations, best or worst, and prepare us for the unseen ahead. If only we passionately loved God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, shone like bright lights and longed for His will more than our own.

If only.
If only.
If only.

Again, I loved the part of the film following the tree incident, but mostly? I can't recommend this movie. I found it too much like Real Life, not as it could be, but as it usually just plain ol' is.

Barring the miracle, of course, the one God was mega-mega-mega merciful to give.

            "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."   ... Ephesians 6:10


"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."  ... Romans 12:2

"A positive expectation that something good is about to happen--that's what it means to have hope."   ... Joyce Meyer


This is the best pepper plant we've ever had or perhaps I should have planted the others in a pot rather than the ground. We've had tons of these chili-type peppers already and they're not too hot or too mild, but rather, just right.


Free Kindle Books:

How God Blows Me Away

Sharpe Shooter


  1. I haven't seen the movie yet, but that sounds disappointing. Great pepper plant, sometimes container planting is the best.

  2. I hadn't even heard of this movie and after your review I won't bother looking for it at all. I agree that we need to be lights in the world, showing the love of God all of the time, no matter the circumstances.
    Glad the pepper plant is working for you. My garden was a bust this year.

  3. I haven't seen the movie, but I understand your disappointment. The world needs a big dose of the "Real Thing"--the Living Christ. He's the One I'm counting on.

    We're enjoying two very productive sweet pepper plants this summer. Our garden is small--a few tomato plants, cucumbers and berries, but every time we look, there seems to be a basket-full of fresh produce, just waiting for us. Kind of funny, but our little cucumber patch has fed us, plus hubby's entire office. One lady even took home a few bags and made pickles!! Maybe I'll get ambitious and can next summer--or not...


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