Monday, August 22, 2016

A Cool Day and Winning a Different Way

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."   ... James 1:17


We in Buffalo are currently experiencing a miracle.

Sane weather.

Oh wow, for the first time in too many weeks, I sat outside on the porch this morning and read. I still have the windows open, even.

Truly, what a celebratory thing--and my cup overfloweth.


Did you see that greeny-yellow bowl in the photo, above? In a dusty garage at an estate sale this weekend I picked it up then, in the kitchen, snatched this plaque which my own going-for-the-1970's-look kitchen simply must have:

Love it. Even the little white paint drips.

The house was built in 1946, wasn't fancy or very vintage-dreamy, but oh, look at their view of the Niagara River:

My, my, my.

Anyway, speaking of estate sales, some of you have told me your area never has them.

I can't imagine such a catastrophe! Never being able to walk through old houses, time capsules, not redecorated in decades? Yikes!

But you know? I got to thinking. Different areas have different names for estate sales. Sometimes they're called tag sales or household sales or even house sales. Other times they're advertised as a garage sale and in fine print in the newspaper ad you'll see 'whole house' mentioned.

Just thought I'd pass along that encouraging thought, for hey! You never know. You just may yet be able to 'play Tom and Debra on their weekends'.  It's one terrific sport, indeed. :)


And now in my haste to return to the front porch while I still comfortably can, here's what God's been working into me lately, in a variety of ways, almost like you'd kneed a batch of bread dough (oh dear):

"In relationships, don't try to win, but rather, understand the other person. You'll never find peace if your insecurity feeds your need to always be right."

Ouch. Sometimes we can slide back into old habits without realizing we "Wheeeeeeeeee...." went on that old ride again.

Or am I the only one?


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."   ... Ephesians 4:32


Enjoy your today, even if it's in such a simple way as Daniel has chosen:


Tom and I super-enjoyed this YouTube video:

A Journey Home: 40th High School Reunion, Niagara Falls High School. 

...even though we didn't graduate from that school, though yes, we're familiar with the area and that added interest. But even so, this video was very well done and to me, had universal appeal, especially if you're interested in the not-too-far-away past of Niagara Falls, NY.

Check it out if you're feeling sentimental and have 25 minutes to spare on a lazy summer afternoon. Lots of retro and bittersweet stuff there.


Free Kindle Books:

Home Before Dark

Edith Wharton: The Complete Collection

Tapas, Carrot Cake and a Corpse



  1. Good Morning Debra! It's finally a cool day here too. The weekend was terribly hot and winds in excess of 35 mph. I tell you that to say that we now how wildfires all over our area, so I still can't have the windows open. We slept with them open last night and Hubby and I both woke up to streaming eyes and coughing and the awful smell of smoke throughout the house. We can see smoke billowing to the east of us when we stand on our deck and it's a terrible sight to see. Then there are two west of us so we have it coming from all directions!!!

    Love your estate finds this weekend. We don't have many estate sales but lots of garage sales in our area. I hope your day is a wonderful one!!!

  2. Betsy--how scary about your fires and the smoke coming in your windows! I've been praying for your safety and I do hope all is well. Glad you liked my finds--thanks for letting me know! Blessings, Debra


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