Thursday, August 25, 2016

Just So You Won't Think The Summer Heat Melted Me...

Still here! Still learning some lessons I've already told you about and didn't want to go all summer-rerun-blah-blah-blah on you. 

You're welcome.  :)

I did forget to share a photo of another yard sale find--the pizza wheel:

Surely screams 1970's doesn't it? Of course I hung it on the wall (wouldn't everyone?) rather than hiding it inside a drawer. Rubber-band-ed with it were some dinner forks, rubber spatulas, a bottle opener and teaspoons all for, get this, just .25 cents. What fun to come home, remove the rubber band and examine each item.

Actually, it reminded me of when, as a child, my family visited my grandparents and we all attended an auction. The adults went halfsies and bought a largish sealed box for $2 which everyone stood around later and opened upon my grandparents' stone porch. I don't recall a single thing inside the box, but I do remember the giddy suspense as each item was lifted out and shown all around. Young and old, we felt it that evening, a collective wonder of what treasures the box could hold and the closeness of family within that literal circle surrounding it

Funny how we can travel back in our minds nearly 50 years ago like that, right? How wonderful of God to insert the ability to keep our loved ones close while, presently, they dwell so far away.

                             Another yard sale find that same day.


I'm rereading Clara's delightful cookbook and she's almost got me convinced to stop trying to save steps in the kitchen (a la Lillian Gilbreth) or dreaming about a one-level house, laundry on that level, included (rather than a basement one).

Here's what 94-year-old Clara wrote:

"Always use the stairs. People tell me that I shouldn't be going up and down my stairs at my age, but I need them--they keep me limber. So what if we wear out our shoes if we keep ourselves fit?"

"If you don't think you have time to exercise, just clean your kitchen. I think it's kind of silly--the people jogging. Scrubbing my floors and counters makes everything strong, and my kitchen looks good."

"I like scrubbing the floor clean on my hands and knees with a hard-bristled brush. It doesn't get clean any other way. Sure, there were some things that made life easier, but some things I never really trusted."

There are reasons people like Clara live to be 98. Maybe we should listen to their wisdom, right? They just may be in on a few secrets.

"These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God."   ... Titus 2:4,5

"Clara makes you feel like you can do anything!"  
 ... by Dakota in an Amazon review


Just a few words from another interesting and sweet obituary from my old hometown in CA:

Matt was a warm, loving husband, a gentle man who loved the out doors. He had many talents … among them, a skilled builder, champion jet skier, motocross rider and snowboarder. A man's man with a tender heart, he was full of life, enthusiastic and up for anything. He possessed a quick sense of humor and was a wonderful cook, happy and always whistling.

He was so loved and will be missed.


And now I return you to your regularly-scheduled summer afternoon.


Free Kindle Books:

The Complete Father Brown Anthology

Gabby Gibson: Middle School Detective

Me, Jill Robinson! Seaside Mystery

My Journey to Live From the Inside Out


  1. Fun finds. I remember pizza cutters like that! I have been pondering Clara's words about exercise. She's probably right. I came home from the lake this morning and between unpacking and getting the laundry going, I have done 9 flights of stairs already, (according to my Fitbit)! I know that it's better for me, but some days I just do not want to lug those laundry baskets up and down the stairs.

    I hope you're having a lovely day today.

  2. Betsy--exactly! That's the one thing I complain about the most--lugging wet laundry up the stairs so I can hang it to dry outside. I know I won't be able to do that forever, but Clara's words are making me view it differently at least for now. Lately I try to imagine how much stronger my legs and arms are after carrying that load up the stairs. :) Glad you were able to get away awhile--that surely sounds nice right about now! Blessings, Debra

  3. Love those scriptures♥ Hugs♥


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