Monday, June 13, 2016

Shocking News

                     "I, the Lord, do not change."   ...Malachi 3:6


So on Tuesday, Tom discovered via Facebook that two of our Christian friends from the 90's had divorced. Wow. Back then they'd seemed perfect for each other, but after being married nearly 30 years, the Fun and Happy Parents Couple is no more.

Two days later Tom was still, at odd moments, muttering, "Sophie," the new wife's name (but not really since I'm keeping this vague). Of us both, this break-up shocked him most.

Then on Thursday, ol' Debra read (yes, also via Facebook) that my Christian friends from high school who'd been married at least 35 years had divorced. 


Oh for goodness' sake. This one threw me for the proverbial loop, awakening me that night, even. If you'd polled me about which couples I'd believed would always be together, I'd have written their names near the top. Razzlefrats.

Also, a dear friend of ours from NV passed away, then on Saturday I read about the Christina Grimmie tragedy, then the Orlando one and the temptation becomes to throw up ones hands, roll ones eyes and groan, "What next?" while dreading, waiting for the newest big ax to come crashing down.

And though it's harder, I don't want to wait for the ax, but rather, for God who'd rather I not waste this precious life moping around in doubt, dread and pessimism. 

Instead, may I be like Mary (Jesus' mom) who, "pondered all these things in her heart." She didn't understand her 'turn in events', but in quietness and trust she found her strength and the answers God wished to give her.

This weekend tempted me to race around in busyness so not to think about these tragedies, yet God kept slowing me down, for in silence He can heal my mind, my heart. He desires that I get back up in wholeness so to help others rise, and live with anticipation of the miracles and joy ahead, just around this current bend in the road.

"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold."   ... Matthew 24:12

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   ...Isaiah 41:10


I found an old, dusty copy of Helen Girvan's, Blue Treasure, at Salvation Army, loved it, and ordered three of her other books. 

I read The Seventh Step and Patty and the Spoonbill over the weekend, perfect reads while sitting in silence in God's waiting room for healing.

Today I'll begin Down Bayberry Lane. (Seriously, Helen Girvan's books are such delights. Like watching 1940's movies while you read.) 


Saw this couple on Tiny House Hunters. As you can see in the photos, they did a great job further renovating the travel trailer they chose.


"Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him;

do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it leads only to evil.
For those who are evil will be destroyed,
but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.
A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.
But the meek will inherit the land
and enjoy peace and prosperity."      ...  From Psalm 37



  1. Those are so many disturbing events, your friends' divorcing and then the national news. Bible study is very helpful to me in navigating turmoil, and I like the Scripture you include.

  2. so much sadness dear

  3. Razzlefrats indeed! It sums up the events of the past few days very well, but our LORD is in control of all things and we were told to expect these awful things in the last days, of which I feel are very close. Thank you for your thoughts. So sad to hear of your friends divorces too.

  4. Debra, thank you for reminding us that "Joy comes in the morning." A few days ago, I was talking to my son about the Orlando massacre, and I reminded him that evil will continue to take its toll until our Heavenly Father decides it's all over. My heart goes out to all the families and friends who are suffering loss. I hope they know that it's possible for joy to come in the morning.

  5. Psalm 37 is perfect for this time. One of my FB friends posted it yesterday. Grace and peace to you, Debra and all your readers too. Thank God that he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  6. Thank-you, Everyone! It sounds like we all know where to go in tough times-- His is the best place, right?

    Oh and Robin--it may have been your friend's posting where I copied and pasted those verses! :)

    Blessings, Debra

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. Sad days indeed. After all of the sad news on the weekend my Neighbor, my kindred spirit, my best friend, Sally passed away of cancer early Monday morning. I knew it was coming but that didn't help and it was much sooner than I expected. Sad times indeed. In quietness and confidence shall be my strength. Thank you Debra for reminding us to keep looking up! Joy comes in the morning!

  9. Oh Linda, I am so very sorry you lost your best friend. My condolences to you. How wonderful though that she was your neighbor--kindred spirits usually do not live that close! I'm sure you'll always treasure your time together. Praying that God will comfort you as only He can.... Hugs, Debra


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