Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Happier Things. Well, Except For----

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"   ... Genesis 18:14


Totally, Tom and I have jumped back into the weekend yard sale thing.

Oh, we're not hauling home tons of stuff (not yet. heh.), but it's the getting out, the chatting with WNY people (some of them, delightful characters), the wandering through houses not redecorated since the 1950's--that's what we love best. (Although I allowed one house on Saturday to make me nuts for two days. It was perfect. And sold in April. Grrr.)


Some of my latest tiny treasures:

I think the (so-quirky) lady gave these to me for a total of .25 cents. I'd recently regretted letting go of similar plates during our oh-just-get-rid-of-it moves, so these felt like such a gift.

The sweet yellow bird at the top of this post came from there, also.

And although I've nothing else like this polar bear, I couldn't resist him and his vintage patina.

Loved these tiny birds and this saucer, below:

Oh, and this homemaking book from 1948! Be still my heart. Here's a sampling of its chapters:

It's called The Household Manual. The woman charged me just .10 cents, but I scoffed and gave her a handful of change, instead. :)

And a rare (cheap) purchase from Ebay, another lady head vase for my collection:

One can never have too many lady head vases, right?   :)


Okay, that was fun, but this last part is not. Sigh.

Yesterday while watering my snow-in-summer, Sally crossed the street and told me that Buddy, the sweetest dog on planet earth, is partially paralyzed.

Oh my goodness! I felt so awful while she said he'd injured (ruptured?) one of his discs, a rather common thing to happen to dacshunds, and can't/won't move his back legs. The vet has him on steroids, etc. (You can read more about this dacshund problem here.)

I was sure to tell her we'd pray for Buddy (we're big believers in prayer for animals!), then I asked her to wait while I ran inside to snatch a small silver dacshund we'd found at a yard sale for Sue (Sally's daughter who is my age), Buddy's official 'mom.'

Sally was so tickled by it and hours later, Sue knocked on our door, with much emotion upon her face, and hugged us both, saying the little silver dog had made her day.

Please keep them in prayer, ok? It's taking lots of extra energy to care for Buddy right now and we're all choosing to believe he will get better.

Thanks so much!


Oh yes! While reading our old hometown newspaper online from Chester, CA, this story totally blessed me. It reminded me that people still do good, heroic things in today's sad world.

I think you'll be blessed by it, also. Check it out here.



  1. Lots of people make/buy/get little wheel things to buckle to the back of the dachshund so he can get around. I'll have to do some research....

  2. Here is a page of images - just google "wheels for paralyzed dachshunds" and there are lots of links.


  3. Hi Susan---yes, I read about those yesterday (and saw cute photos). It may be something they'll need to buy. At this stage, they're hoping the disc will heal--it does happen at times. One woman online said that Vitamin C greatly helped her dog, so I shared that with Sue. It's sort of a one day at a time thing right now. Alas.

    Thanks for commenting .... Blessings, Debra

  4. You found some treasures for sure and what a sweet thing to do for your friend.


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