Thursday, June 09, 2016

What If Everything Suddenly Changed?

"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. ..."   Proverbs 3:13-18


Although I enjoyed my yard-sale-find book, The Year of Pleasures, it's not a keeper. Let's simply say there were scenes/words you'd not find in my friend (and so-faithful blog reader), Deborah Raney's, Christian novels, a type of high standard for what stays on my bookshelves--and what gets carted to Salvation Army.

(Speaking of Deb, I'm currently reading, loving, her Home To Chicory Lane , the first book in a series. Where have I been living, in a cave? I should have discovered this right-up-my-alley book years ago.) 


The Year of Pleasures did remind me that it's time to, again, re-post what I feel is one of my most important blog posts, ever:

The Necessity of Your Own Life

Pul-ease reread it. Use it as a type of checklist as to whether you're actively creating a life separate from that with your spouse/partner/significant other. The woman in Elizabeth Berg's book certainly had not, and oh dear! She wandered around like a lost baby bird for 9/10's of the book. So sad, so needless (much of it, anyway). 

I believe God makes a way for us to become far more prepared than that if--heaven forbid--we should, one day, find ourselves on our own. I believe it's wisdom to be as ready as possible for anything which may swoop in and change all our plans.

Again, here you go.



  1. Wow, Debra! I am SO honored to know you're reading—and enjoying!—my book! I've loved writing this series and I'm so blessed to hear that it's given you pleasure! And yes, I have loved your blog (and your charming, creative, on a budget decorating) since I first discovered it oh so many years ago! I wonder just how long ago it was? I think you've moved at least 3 times "on the blog" since I started reading you! And each time, I was sad to "leave" the darling house you were in, only to feel right at home again in the new house you created and made into home. Isn't that amazing, given that we've never laid eyes on each other or each other's homes? SO much good about the internet if we seek it out. :)

    You made my day! (And I just discovered this after coming home from our garage sale day, and a visit with my mom in the nursing home.)

  2. Good Morning Debra! I'm short on time today, but I have made a note to come back and read the post you referenced. I've been with my sweet husband since I was 15 years old. Frankly, I can't imagine life without him. I would be lost. So I think your post will be beneficial to me from what you said today. Thank you again.

  3. Excellent advice, Debra. YOU are a very wise woman.

  4. Thank you for the introduction to a new author. I have never heard of her before. I will see if any of her books are available at my library.


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