Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My World On an Icy Tuesday

"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad."   ...Proverbs 12:25


Daniel and his squirrel friend, The Big Tease.

The birds just outside our dining room windows...

... where I'm drinking hot chocolate and reading this book for the 20th time:

And remember that green onion idea I shared with you last week? The one where you place them in a jar of water in your kitchen window?

Already mine are growing. If only I'd heard of this idea decades ago!

It's a terrific Tuesday. Candles are glowing, easy-listening music is wafting and Neighbor Mike shoveled ice for me before I even got out of bed. Tom made it to our garage (and then to work) safely.

And Naomi is home, although she's heading out the door again to drive through messy streets. One thing God reminds me quite often: He did not bring Naomi home so I could start worrying about her again. 

Many people say, "You can't help worrying about your kids. It's just what parents do." So far, I've not heard God say that. And I'm thinking He probably won't anytime soon.   :)

What matters is that I believe the way He does.

  "Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."   ... John 14:27


That Target pet food/gift card deal is back! This week, buy two of their selected pet items and get a free $5 gift card. Check it out here, then do a search for whatever pet items you may need.

Is this snow girl adorable or what?

Find more incredibly clever snowmen ideas here.



  1. Your winter pics are lovely! It is beginning to feel like we are not having winter in Florida this year. It has been hot and rainy. Christmas Eve was foggy though so we did have a "foggy Christmas Eve"

  2. Happy new year Elizabeth! Actually, I'm hoping for the kind of winter you are having! :) Sounds great to me--better than ice and snow. heh.

    Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra


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