Monday, December 28, 2015

Can It Be? Yes! A Real-Live Normal Day.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!"   ... Psalm 34:8


Sometimes a good old-fashioned December reminds me just how passionately I love my Normal Days.

This first Monday after Christmas! 

Even though my windows are showing dark grey (for the 4th day) and an ice storm is driving here for tonight and my knee went all tweaky on the stairs (again) and Neighbor Mike accidentally backed into our garage:

... even so! Here I am this morning on the inside:

Every day is the day the Lord has made so I will rejoice in all of them. He was so good to give me this life. After all, He could have created me as a zebra.  :)

But oh, a Normal Day just comes with its own special songs (including my return to vintage Christmas-free radio music). Anticipation. And joy in both tiny things (my crockpot meal, decorating tv shows, calming kids' lit., and will I brave a cold, cold walk?) and a huge God who makes me smile from whispered encouragement all the cascading hours.



But Christmas was nice, yes! And how lovely to have Naomi home with us on that day for the first time since 2011. She gives such thoughtful gifts--she is our favorite gift of our 37-year marriage.

We three opened presents then watched--a Christmas movie? The new Star Wars film? Nah. The 2008 X-Files movie, I Want to Believe.



And this is from me to you, whoever you may be:  Move forward. Look ahead. When you leave the past behind, even the very good past (if it hurts to recall it), your present journey will grow brighter, lighter, freer.


Doesn't this song just make you smile and feel wonderful? You'll Be In My Heart.

An incredible thing about Normal Days? We're given so very many of them!


" ...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."   ...Philippians 4:8

Does what's on your mind today fit into these parameters? 


A fun holiday candle you can make from shortening.  (Thanks for sharing this at Facebook, Dolores!)

And this candle idea is also a good one to note for later emergency purposes.



  1. Debra, you've hit the nail on the head. I'm really looking forward to a normal day today! As much as I love Christmas and all it means, there's something sweet about my daily routine. Thanks for the Phil Collins song--I've always enjoyed his music. I stand with you, grabbing this ordinary day, because New Year's is approaching quickly. Kind of ironic, but hub and I enjoy staying home, eating our favorite snacks, and maybe watching an old movie or two. Life is good.

  2. Pam--truly we are kindred spirits! May your 2016 be filled with hundreds and hundreds of extra-wonderful Normal Days! :)

    Blessings, Debra


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