Thursday, December 31, 2015

Looking For Peace in 2016?

"Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord." ... and...  "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  ... Hebrews 12:14, James 1:4


This New Year's Eve finds me feeling contemplative. How about you?

I'm thinking that--although Hobbit Cottage is smaller than our old farmhouse--Naomi's moving in with us works better here. In this tinier house, we each get fairer privacy space. Rooms are smaller, but arranged more wisely.

Don't you love it when God pulls an Opposite World thing on you? Something that makes no clear sense, but works wonderfully anyway?

And the peace here! I mean, ok, the majority of our days, our years, with Naomi have been peaceful, yes. But uh-oh! We did experience some Doozie Days, also. Times where--to God--we must have looked suspiciously like this: 

And this:

Er hem.  :) 

Yet finally, we are growing-up. The three of us are letting God strip away the stubbornness, the having to have things A. Certain. Way. We're becoming less insecure, quicker to forgive and slower to become offended, so there's far less nagging, whiny justifications and wounded feelings. 

People think God only tells folks, "Just zip your lip! Don't say how you really feel. Don't speak at all, lest your words cause an argument." 

But no. He's far greater than that. More thorough, cleansing. A renewed, God-changed-everything mind doesn't fume, clamping shut its mouth from fear of disappointing God.

No, when we release 'our rights' to Him, God implodes our wrong motives, mind-sets, and control issues. Boom! 

And the wild, frustration words lie in pieces.

Calm is left. Trust. A renewed, God-changed-everything mind has let go of what used to make it wild. 

It's a process, yes, and still is taking time. But what I like? The bad times become fewer and the good times shine brighter until, looking back, they're all you can remember.

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."   ... Romans 12:18

"The closer to Me you grow, the more fully you become your true self.”

" Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry..."   ...James 1:19

"I die daily."   ... 1 Corinthians 15:21


So appreciated what my buddy, Judy, shared yesterday at Facebook:

Humble folks, I believe, get off the wrong road before they convince themselves it's the right one, becoming hopelessly lost.


Fifty Ways to Homestead No Matter Where You Live



  1. Great C.S. Lewis quote and good Hobbit Cottage is a peaceful refuge for your family.

  2. This is exactly what I need as I start a brand new year! Beautifully written, Debra. The first word of the opening verse really stood out to me. I know I've read it often before, but I found myself wondering how often do I honestly STRIVE for peace? I know we cannot create peace by ourselves. As you've already said, peace is a by-product of a life immersed in God. I will remember this. Thank you, Debra, for another year of excellent posts. You make me laugh, cry, think, and wonder--all good. May God bless you and your family this new year!!


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