Thursday, December 24, 2015

Presents For Preppers

Merry Christmas to my readers! A huge thank-you to those of you who read here year after year. Bless you for your time. Encouragement. And your patience.  :)

My gift to you this year? A post you can bookmark, a sort of one-stop-shop for all the prepper links I've given you lately. No more slogging through pages of my prepper posts for the helpful links (yay!) They're all here, below.


But first? This article:  Prepping When You're Poor. And ok, I never suggest this, but please read through the comments, as well(!) You'll come away feeling playfully challenged by a lack of money--not depressed by it. 

And get this: a commenter suggested becoming a master gardener so you could grow your own food, after which someone immediately replied:

Maybe you don’t understand “poor.” I do. The Master Gardener course is $175 now and not on payments.

Oh, for Pete's sake! Classic response from Today's imagination-less, brain-washed, hopeless, sorry crowd. Eegads.

Please don't let this happen to you.

Fortunately, many others chimed-in and spoke the truth: you do not have to have a pricey, official certificate to become a master gardener! You just need a brain. A town library. A computer(optional). Some seeds. A little plot of land. Stick-to-it-tiveness.

My fervent wish for all my readers (besides coming to know God, personally, for themselves)? That you wouldn't 'shoot yourself in the foot' by instantly listing why new ideas won't work. 

But rather, may you always learn new things, work steadily (inch by inch does count) and move ahead with much grace and goodwill toward others.

"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied."  ...Proverbs 13:4


Links to help you prepare for anything:

How to Make A Faraday Cage to Protect Your Electronics

How to Make a Sterno Stove

How to Bake Inside a Dutch Oven

How To Make Your Own Solar Oven

How to Extend The Life of Eggs

How to Store Food (Click on embedded links, also) (And here.)

How to Make a Milk Jug Lamp

Ways to Purify Water

Foods to Store  (And here.)

How Much Food Should You Store?

Prepping In Small Spaces

Popular Bartering Items   And here.

How to Make Your Own First Aid Kit

A First Aid Book to Order  (I have this one.)

Prepper Mistakes to Avoid

Alternative Ways to Stay Warm  (And here.)

Alternative Ways to Cook Food (And here.)

Items For Your Car or 'Office Get Home Bag'

Prepper Inspiration (if you're growing weary)

Becoming Physically Fit For Hard Times

Two Oil Lamps You Can Make


Clara's Great Depression Era Cooking Videos

Debra's Prepper Ideas page at Pinterest

And my Re-Uses For Throwaways Page  (And many more here.)


Here's what I shared at Facebook yesterday:

Already I've received the only Christmas gift I want. A remarkable one! For the first time in our 22 New York years, I've, for weeks, puttered in our yard in December. Raked leaves. Spread dirt from the compost pile to my flower beds. Tucked kitchen clippings straight into my vegetable garden. Sat on the front porch and read. All in 50 to 60 degree comfort.
In *December*! Best Christmas present, ever. Happy sigh.
(Only in my head--and this photo--is my yard still this green.)



  1. Thank you for all the links, Debra!

    This weather is amazing! We were on the deck yesterday, coatless, sipping coffee and tea at 11 a.m. and contemplating maybe eating dinner on the deck. It was 72 here yesterday!

  2. Robin--thanks so much for letting me know you appreciated the links! That meant a lot to me. So glad you had the extra good weather this month. Wasn't it wonderful?

    Blessings, Debra


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