Friday, July 25, 2014

Ten Long Years Ago ...

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."   ... 1 Corinthians 10:31


July 25, 2014

Ten years and 3,000 posts ago I oh-so-tentatively stepped into Blogland, hesitating because (as I asked one friend) who would want to read about my life?  And isn't that too me, me, me-ish?

But then it's like God said, "How about if you let me write through you and see what happens?" Awesome idea. I try to do that.

Oh, what I've recorded in ten years! I've lived in 4 different houses, all of them old. Back in 2004,  Naomi still lived at home, but now she's in far away Nashville and Tom's job was only one mile down the road, but now he spends weeks at a time way over in South Africa. Me? I'm still here, still happy, still content because of the Friend who sticks closer than a brother and does not fly away.

During these past ten years I lost my dad, my aunt, two dear friends I'd known for decades and 4 cats whose deaths hit me harder than I told you. I've lost some friendships, but gained others and when I began this blog I had a cute little figure, but now it is neither little nor cute. Nor do I have the stamina I once had. Alas.

You've watched me play happy 1950's homemaker with my aprons, retro radio music, old magazines and vintage decor. I've painted lots of rooms, wandered through old houses at estate sales, bought a thousand books and old-timey bargains, eaten at 1960's-type diners and taken myriad country drives through Western New York and Buffalo, an area you probably feel like you know by now. (I love this place.)

You saw me sitting in my gardens with a spade and you read about our adventures on a 4-acre farm which I simultaneously loved and hated, but wouldn't have traded the experience for a zillion dollars. And during Tom's 20-month layoff, hopefully you saw me grow-up, become braver and complain less while trying to trust God more than ever.

Occasionally, blogging feels frustrating and love-and-hate-ish, but when it does, God tells me I'm working in my own strength and not leaving the difficult parts/people/results to Him. I'd never trade away these ten blogging years, either.

You shared in our big cross-country train adventure and you know? I form sentences for you inside my head and feel like I take you with me everywhere. Always you are here with me, each of you, even when it appears to others that I'm home alone when Tom's away. But oh! You and God and Grace and our cats are so here, so real, that often our little Hobbit Cottage feels downright crowded with friends, so much so, that never am I lonely. My heart feels too full for that.

I do thank you for reading here about my simple, but wonderful, God-given life. I consider that--I consider each of you-- a very rare, precious gift.  Today, and all days, my cup runneth over and will continue to do so because of God and His goodness toward me.

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord, He is good."   ...Psalm 34:8


Now, no one go and faint from shock or anything, but today--in honor of my tenth blogging anniversary--I'm holding a drawing for two $25 gift cards. Just a tiny way of giving back to you who've so often blessed me.

So! All you have to do is leave a comment below this post. Or--as some of you have told me Blogger doesn't let you do that--you can comment at Facebook or in an email sent to Be sure to leave your name--I'll write each one on a slip of paper then draw two names from one of Tom's cowboy hats.

I'll draw the names at or around 12:00 noon (my time) Saturday (you can enter until then, just once, please) and will let you know the winner at that time. "Good blessings" (as opposed to good luck) to each of you who enter the drawing!  :)


Want to read my very first post? Go here. The interesting, telling thing is that I didn't even introduce myself first. More than anything I just wanted to 'get the good word out.'  I've lightened up since then, having learned better how to weave my messages into daily stories of my very average life... but I still think being a 'Mary' is the best way to be.


Free Kindle books:

Ordained Irreverence

Storm Clouds Rolling In

Etsy Selling Success


The Savingstar Friday Freebie is a Celeste frozen pizza for one.


  1. Isn't it interesting to go back and read our blogs from beginning to present? I'm amazed too at how my life has changed over the 12 years I've been writing. It's better than a journal in many ways because I am/was less prone to whining in my blog, lol, yet I got at some deeper essential truths at the same time.

  2. Debra, congratulations on your blog! Although we've never met, I feel like you're a faithful friend, always reaching out. Thanks for encouraging us to keep the faith--to trust God and His Word. Blessings on you and your family.

  3. Congrats!!! Keep being a positive force in the world for at least another ten! Angela

  4. Congratulations on ten years of blogging. That's such an accomplishment. I first came across your blog when you were writing about your love of some of the older kids TV programs from Nickelodeon. If I remember correctly, we were both fans of Pete and Pete. Since then, I haven't missed a post and am always encouraged by your messages.

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Anniversary congratulations. It's been a great ride. May it be thus for another ten.

    Wilma (another Mary)

  6. Dolores10:51 AM

    Debra, what a great post! I don't remember how many years I've been reading your blog, but I've been through all four houses with you. (lol) I remember the first post I read was about the pink dish drainer you got at a garage sale. I was hooked! Congratulations on your ten year anniversary.

  7. Hello Debra, thank you for the invitation to enter your drawing and congratulations on ten years of blogging. I know from reading your posts that you have blessed many during these ten years. The Lord can use us in many ways and He can reach others though just opening up our life's to Him.
    You are a shining example.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Huge congrats Debra, on your 10 years of blogging.... but actually I'm cheering because we-the-readers are the LUCKY ones :) I love and appreciate your outlook on life, and again, THANK YOU for inspiring me more times than you can imagine. May God continue to guide and bless you, dear friend!
    Susan XO

  9. Happy 10th Anniversary Debra!!!
    I have been reading your blog since just before you moved from the farm house.
    I enjoy reading your blog everyday.
    Thank You for sharing your Adventures with us!
    Nancy from Montana

  10. Happy anniversary, Debra. I don't remember what year I discovered you, but you've given me much joy, much to think about, and many wonderful decorating ideas in the time I've followed your blog. Thank you for being a bright light and a positive voice amidst too many dark ones. I admire your attitude so much. May God bless and keep you and here's to the NEXT 10 years! :)

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Hi Debra,
    Congratulations. I remember finding your blog back in 2008 when I first started blogging myself. Although your life is very different from mine I have enjoyed reading about it almost everyday.
    Jan from Maine

  12. A very special thanks to each of you who took the time to wish me well and reminisce on my 10 year blogging anniversary! I appreciate each of your comments so much. Thank-you and I hope you'll keep reading here for years to come!... Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.