Thursday, July 24, 2014

One Strike and You're Out(?)

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal...   And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."  ...  1 Corinthians 13:1,13


I view each day as special, almost holiday-like, but here around my blog, tomorrow will be extra-special and will even include a gift card giveaway(!)

Stay tuned ...


See the above photo? I bought the little shelf at Salvation Army, spray-painted it (though what I really wanted was a more mustard color like the curtains, but couldn't find that) and bought the Fiestaware cups from Ebay.

And speaking of Ebay, a friend purchased something, but when it arrived, it wasn't the brand that had been advertised. So she asked us at Facebook what she should do because both Ebay and the seller refused to pay the return shipping cost.

What surprised me? The number of women who told her they had a bad experience at Ebay, they never shop there anymore, choosing to buy from Amazon instead. They encouraged my friend to do the same.

Good gracious. Talk about throwing out babies with bath water! To me, it sounded like making decisions based on fear which makes for one sad life. Where is bold courage Today? Also, it's another example of how we've become a "one strike and you're out society." You know:

"You hurt me last week and you're not my friend anymore."
"I forgave you once, but I refuse to do it again."
"Show mercy? Not after what you said to me."
"I never thought you'd do that. I'm outta here."

Yep, comment after comment recommended my friend buy from Amazon, instead, but hey! Can you even buy vintage, used items there? Besides, books, that is? What if you want something only Ebay sells?

And get this: in the last 12 years I've never had a problem with Ebay, but 3 times I've filed claims for items which did not arrive through Amazon.

Gasp! Yes, the perfect, much recommended Amazon. (I still shop there.)

Why is it so hard to remember that nothing on Earth is perfect? Nothing and no person will ever be 100 percent perfection. And personally? I believe God planned it that way so that we'd only seek Him for the kind of perfection our souls crave and so we'd remember that our Perfect Home can never be here.

I think that's also why He told us Love is the most important thing, because oh my ... do we ever need to walk in it. We need the kind of love which helps us to forgive "seventy times seven", to show new-every-morning-mercy toward others (especially if we wish to receive it, ourselves), to understand why people do what they do and to give them more than just one measly strike before they're out, forever.

Love. The most needed and the best and highest choice down here upon this oh-so-imperfect world.


I also painted Tom's side table, red. Finally.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.." ... Matthew 5:44

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful ..."   1 Corinthians 13:4,5

1 John 4:7-8 ...  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.


Free kindle books:


  1. I love both Amazon and Ebay. My husband and I just had a terrific customer service experience with Amazon, and with Ebay the experience can differ between sellers. Usually it is all spelled out in the buyers agreement.

    I expect that things won't always turn out great. Of course I do not LIKE it when it doesn't, but I am aware of my own tendencies toward failure.

  2. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I think we make a mistake in a way, if we lump businesses and people in the same category. I do not know of a verse in Scripture that would say anything against not doing further business with a company that turned out to be disreputable (and close reading of Proverbs would tell us not to associate with certain types of people based on their behavior). We were rooked (as I recall via Amazon)...and though it took some months, and some paperwork, eventually we were refunded our money, because we used our credit card to purchase the item. People forget that at least some credit cards have a lot of clout too. If they want to take the time to do all the paperwork and patiently wait for months...eventually the money will be refunded. At least such was our situation. Now I never buy online unless using our card. And generally when buying anything, other than thrift shopping or some such. Maybe you could suggest to the person on Facebook to try getting their credit card company to help them out. (We are not on Facebook or I would gladly suggest it).
    I do agree as to your comments as to how we treat people however. And forgiveness so far as I am aware, other than in dealing with our parents, does not necessarily mean resumption of relationship. Trust is not a gift. Grace is. But I think GOD also wants us to use our time wisely...and with some folks, we are best leaving them be, and interacting with others.

  3. Good Morning Debra, I am so happy to have found your blog, and probably wouldn't have if not for waking up with "hot flashes". After getting a cool glass of water, I thought that I would surf the web for a while before returning to bed :) Praise God for hot flashes, they brought me here and I was watered by your testimony. Thank you . . . I am your newest follower and I would be honored to have you visit and follower me back.
    Your new blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  4. Judy--exactly! If we can always remain humble and recall our own tendency toward mistakes, we will more easily be forgiving of others and lead a whole nicer life. Thank-you, my friend.

    Anonymous--hmmm... Please show me in 1 Corinthians 13 and other love scriptures the exceptions God lets us make so that we don't have to show love and patience and forgiveness toward others? Love changes our whole life and I hope someday it will change yours. (By the way, Facebook is a marvelous, exciting place for people who love others and enjoy encouraging them as God has instructed us to.)

    Connie--hello! I'm always so happy when new readers find me. Welcome! I'll be sure to come over and visit you. :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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