Friday, June 20, 2014

Yes, You *Can*

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   ... Jeremiah 29:11


You're sick of seeing photos of my side yard. I know, I know.

But I can't stop staring at them. I mean, though this was taken in Autumn of 2011, it still looked sorry like that in Spring of 2012:

(Oh dear.)

But just two springimtes later, it's become what you see at the top of this post. And now strawberries grow there(!) and lettuce and sundrops and cilantro and rosemary and mint and tiny roses and daisies and --

And oh, the miracle of it all, for I'm in my mid-50's, pathetically out of shape (my own fault), yet no one besides Grace and God helped me with that side yard.

No, it happened just one seed, one plant, one brick, one sack of soil and one trip to Home Depot at a time. And in the midst of 200 rest periods and a ton of trying to work smarter, not harder, learning to do things a whole different way because now I must.

Even with changes happening all the time and the world becoming not a better place--still--God helps us all create our own special world, inside and out, so that we can "come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses," in gardens visible and non.

And what we find there? Him, so very good, no matter how many horrid news reports and mean people swirl all around us. Him, in the sweet, warm silence.

With Him, we can do all things born from His mind, whether with our own hands or by way of people or funds He sends to us. He is not limited and He doesn't wish us to be. But we must not see so one-dimensionally nor seek blaming and excuses instead of solutions. 

And His plans for us are always good.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."   ... Philippians 4:13

"My hope level reveals whether I am believe lies or truth. My hope level increases as I believe more truth."   ... copied


Free Kindle books as of today, June 20th:

The Elmo Jenkins Trilogy (ack! No longer free.)


This weekend's SavingStar Friday Freebie is a 14 oz. can of powdered Comet with Bleach.


"The more the rest of the world disobeys God, the more we need to press in and be determined to obey God. As the dark gets darker, the light has to get lighter."   ...  Joyce Meyer

Always leave your little part of this world better than the way you found it...


  1. So charming and comforting, your side yard is. I will not tire of seeing photos of it. What a great example of little by little, the same way I have to do things, too. But I am feeling so much better compared to last year this time! May we never stop seeing the blessings and having hearts of gratitude!

  2. Your side yard is so lovely, Debra!

  3. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Thanks for the encouragement...little by little...tis how we need to tackle all of life isn't it?
    Elizabeth in WA

  4. Thanks for reminding us that all things are possible. Love the before and after pics of your side's beautiful. I'll bet the aroma is great, too. Thanks for your faithful encouragement.

  5. Kristi--so glad you're feeling better this year! You are always an inspiration to remain grateful--thank-you!

    Tracy--thanks! Your own yard is resembling a park-like setting every time I see it!

    Elizabeth--right! Inch by inch everything is a cinch, right? :)

    Pam--thank-you! So true about the all things are possible... should have included that verse as well! :)

    Thanks, Everyone... Debra


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