Monday, June 23, 2014

The Weekend and Another Adventure

You get 100 points if you can find Daniel in this photo. :)

So. The day has arrived for Tom's Next Big Adventure--and mine.

Oh, the list of projects I hope to complete these next 7 weeks! (We procrastinators always have a l-o-n-g list of projects, don't we?) Mine are many and varied, inside, outside, upside down. 

These five extra days before Tom's departure were like a gift and--as the immortal Goldilocks would say--they were Just Right. So many days of saying goodbye with and without words and now we feel like, "It's time to go so that the countdown to coming home will begin."


See what I brought home from a yard sale this weekend?

This small wire garden-decor-thing made me smile. Maybe someday I'll touch it up with a bit of paint.

Oh, and you won't believe what I found in a box ... Of course, I gasped!

Wow. And only .25 cents each, plus, three are the same vintage I read while in Jr. High. As I gathered them up, I thanked God for giving me more perfect surprise gifts. 

I feel so spoiled.


While Tom plugged a couple yard sale addresses into our GPS, I snapped this photo of a tiny house which made me think of my dear grandparents:

How easy to imagine them there! 

And then I thought, "Oh! Their home in Heaven is probably The Ultimate Grandparents'  1920's House." You know, a white cottage type house with morning glory vines encircling front pillars and all sorts of flowers along the front. And a picket fence and wicker or other white chairs on a front patio and a glass pitcher of lemonade. Inside there's perfect lighting and lovely trinkets to look at behind glass and curved, overstuffed furniture (maybe in sage?) and wood floors and dreamy gold-framed art and --

I may visit their house in Heaven even before checking out my own. Oh happy day.


"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."   ... John 14:3


Clarice shared this today on Facebook. Isn't it wonderful?


Any prayers for Tom's traveling safety would be appreciated. Thank-you much!


Free Kindle books as of today, June 23:


  1. Ah, I wish you many happy adventures and accomplishments during the next seven weeks.....I know you will miss Tom, but will have a joyful homecoming....Love your photos and garage sale gifts....I like that little grandparent house, but am already planning to change it to white with either pale blue or apple green trim.......;->

  2. Rosemary7:04 PM

    Hope the time flies while Tom is away...and, don't fret, we'll be right here in cyberspace to keep you company :) Will keep Tom (and you) in my prayers.

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Well, it is good you had these special days together...being good companions. Much to be said for that! Will pray for Tom's safety. I am sure the weeks will fly by...this is a busy time of year with yard work and all too. Maybe it will be a bit easier than the winter was!!

    I happened upon a fabulous sale on containers, both inside and out, for Joanns tonight. Cheaper than thrift. If you need some darling plant containers, they had some darling ones in many colors and shapes and designs.
    Elizabeth in WA

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Prayers for Tom's journey. Good find on the books! Love reading about your projects. Joyce

  5. Kristi--exactly! White with green trim, I think. Tom and I always notice white houses with that medium 1940's green trim. Maybe someday we will have one. :)

    Elizabeth--thanks! I'll see if I can get over to JoAnn's soon and check them out. I always enjoy their outdoor things.

    Rosemary--that's one of the sweetest things, ever! I'd just been thinking that my online friends are so special because, in a way, they are always here inside my house with me. Thank-you for that confirmation!

    Thank-you Joyce and Clarice for your prayers! They mean so much.

    Thanks, Everyone... Blessings, Debra


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