Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Secret of a Remarkable Life, Even Today, Even on Earth

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'   ... Mark 12:30


That, my friends, is the secret of a daily incredible Life down here on Earth. 

No matter what our circumstances may be, a deep love and friendship with God will stop our foundation from crumbling, will keep our emotions intact and our heart beating with a joy that no one, no bad time, can take away--unless we let go of it, concentrating on the bad time rather than our great love.

Everything good and lasting and satisfying comes out of that intense love. Anything else, any other goal or substitution set into first place will always feel like and be less. And that 'less-ness' will lead to a low-grade dissatisfaction and a continual longing for something more. And a life only partially lived and one most likely lonely, worried and unfulfilled.

"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing."   ... Stephen Covey

For me, this has been the key to a joy which cannot be explained and does not come and go. It stays. And today I'm encouraging you to make certain you've found that key and treasure it-- treasure that Love, that Friendship, with every single breath.


"Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."   ... John 14:23

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."   ... Psalm 16:11


Free Kindle books as of today, June 19th:

Strike the Match

Stepping Down

Journey on the Hard Side of Miracles

Standing Accountable

Bored No More 

Finding God When You Need Him Most

Easy and Delicious Homemade Bread


Where have I been?

Only lately did I discover the marvelous Judy Bolton. My, my, my ... she and her friends are a delight! And I'm thrilled that these stories are being republished for Today's readers. 

(My book on the left is The Mystic Ball.) Yesterday I ordered the next two books. (Uh-oh!)  

Here's my favorite blurb about these:

"The thirty-eight volume Judy Bolton series was written during the thirty-five years from 1932-1967. It is one of the most successful and enduring girls' series ever published. The Judy Bolton books are noted not only for their fine plots and thrilling stories, but also for their realism and their social commentary. Unlike most other series characters, Judy and her friends age and mature in the series and often deal with important social issues. To many, Judy is a feminist in the best light-smart, capable, courageous, nurturing, and always unwavering in her true beliefs; a perfect role model."

Has anyone else read these?



  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I don't recall reading the Judy Bolton books...but I read SO MANY during my gradeschool years especially, I would never be able to remember them all.

    Thanks for the links again....I grabbed a couple. Last night, er very late...grabbed a bunch...there are LOTS of gluten free ones on kindle and some others. I plan to kind of quickly go through and look at them, and can dispense with some I am sure. Have 297 books on my kindle already. Not reading much yet...just gathering for awhile. Heh...
    Very important verse you quoted at beginning of blog today...oh yes!
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Wow Elizabeth! 297 kindle books already! I knew they would add up fast for you, but not that quickly! :)

    Isn't it fun? And that's what I did at first, too, kept adding books before actually reading them. Even these years later I add way more books than I read. heh. Books have always been one of my favorite things in the world and how exciting to have so many free ones in one place--without any clutter, right? Can you imagine how excited we would have been around 30 years ago to have such a thing available to us?

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    30 years ago, before "we" retired? Heh, I would never have gotten much of anything done!! One reason I almost never go to a book store, or music store...too tempting. And almost never set food in a chocolate store too...sigh!! One must know their limitations, right? Well, I know I will "downsize" the books on the kindle...but must grab them while they are free, right?? I am odd in that I love to gather information...most of the time, maybe never using it even...just enjoy the gathering process. However, as a missionary friend said once, he had learned that NOTHING we learn or do, is ever wasted in GOD's economy. After they were on the field, is when one class he took decades earlier came in useful.
    Elizabeth in WA


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