Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ways to Wait Well

"A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."   ... Proverbs 17:22


So it's snowing this morning as I'm eating leftover pizza and fries(!), but does it bother me? Not really, because for the past nine (or so) evenings, Tom and I have traveled to sunny, always-summer Hawaii.

And just how have we done that, you ask?

We discovered Magnum PI by way of instant Netflix. That's how. And oh, that show cheers and warms our very souls as we watch Thomas Magnum out upon rolling blue water on his surf ski beneath bright sunshine. (I even say, "There's our towel again!" when he uses one like we received in a wedding set.) And all those sandy beaches! And the beach-side tables with tanned people in bathing suits sipping their tiny pink umbrella drinks. 

Hawaii right here in our living room.

Ah, Magnum PI ... it does a winter-in-Buffalo body good. And when you add the humor and camaraderie between Magnum and his friends, you've got a perfect combination to keep you going another few snowy weeks.

Personally, I believe anyone living in snow country should watch Magnum PI in March or shows like it or read books about dreamy places--whatever soothes their snow-weary hearts and infuses courage to finish winter well

I hope you'll proactively search for the good in life, whatever keeps you on an even keel, rather than tumbling down when the weather or circumstances are 'down.'  Watch something, read something, craft something. Write or paint or encourage or give to others. But oh dear.... never sink beneath your complaints. Complaining ruins the waiting times, makes them feel 50 years longer and makes our heads feel progressively worse.

So why go there? God sprinkles personalized treats for us (your friends' ideas of treats may differ, but don't let them trivialize yours) along the way to help keep our sanity in sweet and contented mode. All that remains is for us is to fling away the weights of complaining and begin our own search along sunny shores.


Non-searchers are non-finders ... !


"For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone?… "   ... Matthew 7:8,9

"A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed."   ... Proverbs 15:13


"Stop crying over yesterday and start smiling for tomorrow."

 Mar 20
"To move into the next season— stage of life, you must decide what to keep, give away or trash from the last season."


"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits--"   ... Psalm 103:2


  1. Anonymous12:29 AM

    We lived in Hawaii for 3 years. And while the weather there can be very can be VERY VERY hot the weeks when the trade winds stop. We were married in Oct in Idaho...then went almost directly there...I thought I stepped off the plane into an OVEN!!! First thing I had to do was get ahold of some cooler clothes!!! A friend of hubby's gave me some...then I shopped some and made some. QUICKLY! All cotton clothes do help.

    When hubby's parents came to visit as they left, as we were walking on a pedestrian bridge between parking and terminal, down below they were shooting an episode of Hawaii-5-O if you remember that show. Really made their day...esp.later when the show came on TV!! HA...

    I am glad we had the opportunity to live there, though I went through quite heavy culture shock. Back then (early 70's) I used to think the only thing American about it was the flag flying. But I have always missed the closeness we had there with other people. We became family as no one had family there, military people that is. Became more family than most families are.

    Enjoy your "Hawaiian vacation"!
    Elizabeth in WA

  2. Another wonderful post Debra!

  3. Elizabeth--how fun about seeing an episode of Hawaii 5-O being shot! do remember the show and used to watch the reruns when I got older. Glad you were able to spend some years over there. My sister and her husband love visiting Hawaii each year in autumn.

    Elizabeth-- thank-you for your encouragement! I appreciate your stopping by here with kind words.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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