Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Free Books As We Await (Real) Springtime

This drawing? I love that it doesn't even matter what's outside of her window (appears nearly like a desert, in fact), but rather, all the plants and light and colors make it feel like Spring inside.

And isn't that what matters most?


Many of you know sweet Clarice from Storybook Woods, but did you know she's giving away a lovely issue of her emagazine? It's a Springtime treat as we wait for the outdoors to become green and garden-able again.

Pick up your free issue of Storybook Woods Egg and be enchanted here.


Speaking of Spring, here's something I shared at Facebook yesterday:

"If you want springtime ahead of time, then you must have it in your heart, out of reach of the weather, just as you must grow cucumbers in a hothouse if you want them ahead of time."

... From The Spring of the Year by Dallas Lore Sharp

Oh my goodness! How amazingly true and how it reminds me to shove away complaining so that there's more room in my head for imagining joyful, Spring-like things, instead.

Mr. Sharp--a naturalist, an English professor and, at one time, a pastor--is such a treasure from long ago. Would you like some of his relaxing, free Kindle books? If so, here you go:

The Hills of Hingham .   My favorite of these and rather reminiscent of David Grayson's books, if you're a fan of his, as well.

A Watcher In The Woods

Roof and Meadow

And in other free, but non-kindle formats:

The Lay of the Land .  My favorite of this next list. Took a few pages to really draw me in.

The Fall of the Year

The Spring of the Year



Wild Life Near Home

I see all these titles, all these free books streaming into my home and am amazed that I need not brave the weather to find them nor pay money before they whisk me away. Oh, what I would have given as a young even-tho'-we-ain't-got-money-I'm-so-in-love-with-you-Honey wife and mom in deep snow country (and dark, eternal-feeling winters) to have a computer in my home with such reading (and couponing and writing and friendship) options! 

May I never take any blessing for granted. May I someday stand before God having already noticed and appreciated each treasure He fluttered down to me, missing not a single one.


Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.

–Author Unknown

"If we complain about the negatives, we will overlook the positives."

"Arrange whatever pieces come your way." ... Virginia Woolf


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Wow...no time to read all these books even if I had a kindle, right now...but sending on to a friend!! It is a lovely tool...the kindle...maybe one day when life slows down a twinge. I have believed for a great many years, that any day I had time to read a book, was a GOOD DAY!! Nice there are others who are of the same thinking.
    Elizabeth in WA now...


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