Friday, March 21, 2014

When You Don't Get Why What Happened, Happened

"You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues."   ...  Psalm 31:20


(I didn't make a big deal of our 20th anniversary in Buffalo, so this post as we approach our 21st will, I think, make up for it.)   .....................

When Tom, Naomi and I moved clear across the United States to New York, who knew the real reason?

Only God did. Trust me, not even Tom and I understood why we'd put 2,500 miles between us and every family member, friend and town we'd ever known, but oh! Still, many of those folks ventured guesses, most silly and absolutely wrong and some, sadly, hurtful.

Yet in these 21 years, God and Time continue to give us every answer so that not one question remains. It's wild how God takes His time explaining things, right? But we can rest in mind if we're in His plan. Even lately we've joked about how He won't let us leave New York--and if you've read this blog awhile--you know we've certainly tried

Yet mostly it's 'that husband God gave me', he of the gypsy blood and the ilk of Pa Ingalls, who's attempted to steer us out of here. Heh. Mostly, I've adored New York from Day One and my heart is planted deep here, though like anyone, I sometimes toy with moving elsewhere to see and experience new things--but in the East. What a kindred-ness I find here.

Anyway, our moments of wanderlust aside,  as we experience these marvelous adventures which Buffalo has afforded us, I think, "What a tragedy if we'd missed what we have known here!" 

When we arrived back in April of 1993, God and Grace awaited us with open arms and they've never let go of us. But still, only slowly did we see that God made us braver here, and stronger, with a strength found only when throwing oneself upon His chest for help. We knew not one other soul here! God wanted to be our Number One Source.

Also, He desired that we think new thoughts and become released from ones limiting us since kid-hood.  He set us free, enlarged our hearts, yanked us out of tiny boxes --and mostly--increased the hugeness and wonder of Himself within our eyes.

It's been 21 years and you know? Most of the people we left behind understand why we left. Why God moved us whole states away. But a few others probably never will admit it was God's plan.

But when you're following God, you can't afford to waste energy, arguing, and certainly not adjusting your plans so others won't be mad. You just focus on the favor He's done you, then you shake the dust from your feet and walk on, forward. And then splash around in all the happiness of obedience there.


"Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yes, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant."   ... Psalm 35:27

"A person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?   ... Proverbs 20:24

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."   ... Hebrews 12:1


"When I understand that everything happening to me is to make me more Christlike, it resolves a great deal of anxiety." ... AW Tozer

You have to be willing to withstand insults and keep on moving. Darts may be thrown on every side, but you’ve got to focus on your mission.

"I would have missed out on so many things in Life if I had not simply done them."   ...   Ann Kiemel Anderson


Something else I love about Buffalo? It's the way the local news shows us these little films throughout the school year. I never tire of them.


  1. Beautifully said Debra !

  2. Nice post. You are continuing your journey, which may involve staying where you are, but a journey nonetheless.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    We have had many questions ourselves as to why we ended up where we did...some we know, some we don't yet. We regret staying West for almost all the years of our children's childhoods...or at least in the location we were. But we know GOD is not finished yet. And here we are again, back West, this time for an indefinite time period...though we still long for the goal we have had for some years now...but it is important to get to our destinations in HIS we wait and see what HE will do. And for now, of course, are loving one very special part here, getting to know 2 of our youngest grandchildren. Finally with the youngest one, now almost a year...knows us at this young age and loves us...what a gift. If you have to wait, tis all the nicer to have such circumstance. Blessings on your journey...we too are somewhat vagabonds.

  4. While launching out into the unknown can be unnerving, once we look back, things seem to always make sense. When I read the Ann Kiemel quote, I remembered so many of her great books, looked her up online, and learned she went home to heaven on March 1, 2014. What a life she lived!

  5. Thank-you, Everyone, for your much-appreciated thoughts! I always think it's great when you pause in your busy days to let me know what you are thinking and may God bless you for doing so! ... Debra

  6. Clarice--thank-you! God's plan of moving us over here was better than any other I could have thought of myself. I think our lives turn out so much better when we're smart enough to choose God's plans rather than our own. :) Thanks again! ... Debra


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