Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Believing For Better, Not Worse

"Be it unto you even as you have believed." ... Matthew 8:13


So yesterday I called my mom to thank her for the funny birthday card she'd mailed to Tom. My mom was so cute. Kept inserting her new beau's name into every subject of our conversation. "I went with Phil to his doctor's appointment... Phil and I have walked over 400 miles in the last four months.... When Phil and I watch tv on the couch, Sweetie Pie (her dog) likes to sit in between us."

Is that adorable or what?

Especially when a year ago, my mom was still missing my dad, still feeling lonely. But now when I call her she always sounds practically happy-out-of-her-mind.

So I thought about that this morning and also how Tom is enjoying his unemployment. How he's turning computer time, tv time, relaxation time into a whole art form. And how God has, amazingly, above and beyond, taken care of us financially. And continues to do so.

And too? I thought how fun it's been lately to have Naomi's three cats more often downstairs here, especially on the days we leave the door opened to the front porch and they sit in the warm, sunny windows. And how soon, most likely, Tom and I will bring home two cats of our own--and how--really, I need to believe that maybe they'll be even cooler and just as dear as Lennon was, as opposed to believing no cat will even come close.

Oh! I so desire to live my days expecting more

Expecting that the future will even trump my enchanted past and that surely! goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And may I never take the easy way, you know, sailing downstream into pessimistic, sad places where whole crowds of people, even Christians, end up, complaining away their hours and believing for more of the same sad times ahead.

Instead, may I stop putting silly limits upon God, instead, believing bigger, better, swimming upstream in faith, ending up with the happy folks who celebrate the hugeness of God who got them there with the strength of joy.


"Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us...." ... Ephesians 3:20


Tom very much appreciated your birthday wishes yesterday. Thanks so much for taking the time to wish him good things!



  1. Rejoice in the Lord, always. Again I say rejoice!

    This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!

    We are commanded to be happy because of all the riches we have in Christ!

  2. I want to book a ride on the direction you are headed Debra. No more downstream trips.


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