Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh Dear

I just now heard the sad news. Rev. David Wilkerson was killed yesterday in a head-on collision in Texas.

I can't believe it. Even though sometimes I didn't exactly agree with Rev. Wilkerson (he could make me a tad crazy), still most times I so admired him and his dedication to God and to the New York ministry, especially, which God gave him. For years I received his snail mail newsletters and often this past year I would think, "I wonder what David Wilkerson is thinking lately," then I'd click over to his blog and read awhile the thoughts from his heart.

I will miss that. I will miss him.

Some people you subconsciously think will live forever upon this Earth and with the shock I feel today, David Wilkerson, in my mind, was one of them.

Of course, yes, he's with God now and having an amazing time! And blessed in God's sight is the death of his loved ones. I know, I know. But still... There's that loss to the rest of us, especially to those of his immediate family and all those around the world, who like me, have appreciated his ministry for whole decades.

And too, the wonderful thing is that we can be assured David was ready to meet God, was ready to let go of this world when the moment arrived. May the same things be said of all of us.

His final blog post which he shared on his last day even spoke of the valley of the shadow of death.

My prayers go out to his family and to all others who, too, are shocked and saddened by the death of this great Christian man. And prayers continue, too, for his wife who is in critical condition.

Like a pregnant woman keeps a suitcase packed for the sudden hospital trip, always live ready to go. Always live ready to go.



  1. A true sad time when a man of God passes.

  2. i didn't know that ... wow! ...
    i remember giving "the cross and the switchblade" to my dad to read (it was translated into finnish - and my dad DID read it, cover to cover) ...
    we need to pray for his wife now - because David has passed into Glory and is free from our earthly bondage!!! bless his heart!


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