Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Birthday To One Amazing Guy

So! Today is Tom's birthday. All day.

You've probably forgotten that he and I knew each other just one month before he proposed to me. And frankly, I wondered what had taken him so long. :)

We were just 21 and 19 and we married three months later. Beyond clueless. But it worked out.

Tom is funny. Turns a phrase unexpectedly and makes me laugh. I tease him that he is in love with Carrie Underwood (her voice, anyway). Last weekend he saw her How Great Thou Art duet with Vince Gill and the next day told me it was awesome and how Carrie sang it alone. I watched it online and told him, "Well, Vince Gill harmonized with her."

He was surprised. I teased him about that, of course. "Yes, Tom. You're like, 'Oh, was Vince Gill there, too?'" heh. One night years ago when Carrie was competing on American Idol Tom called in ten times for her. Wow. He's never called in a vote for anyone else since.

(And of course, he will kill me when he reads this post!)

But hey, I would have missed out on so much had I gone through these 32 years with someone else. For me, Tom is it. As God's mercies are new every morning, so is Tom. He's never dull. And he's also the bravest man I know (yes, I've told him that). What with the polio thing and all the surgeries and treatments and the hard stuff the doctors tell him is down the road and the being downsized thing last year and --- well, even with all that, most days he's the same. Steady. Peaceful. Believing for the best.

So happy birthday to the greatest guy I know from the most blessed gal around.


So did you hear Carrie's How Great Thou Art? What a way to start any day!


  1. Wishing Tom the happiest of birthdays!

    You know Alfred & I only dated 20 days before he proposed and this June will be 19 years for us. :)

  2. Hi Debra! Please wish Tom a very happy birthday from me too!

  3. Happy Birthday to Tom...may you both share in a year of blessings and favor!

  4. Dolores11:34 AM

    Happy Birthday Tom!

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Happy birthday, Tom...many more.


  6. Happy Birthday Tom!!

  7. Happiest of birthday wishes to Tom.
    Did you get him a new tractor for his birthday? ha

  8. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Happy Birthday to Tom...indeed you are blessed, Debra. Good men are few and far between and only barly knowing him when you married!! Wow, you are a brave woman!!

    Blessings, Elizabeth in NC

  9. Julie in Texas2:24 AM

    Hope Tom enjoyed his birthday! :)


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