Friday, April 29, 2011

Just Thinking. Just Thankful.

Incredible winds yesterday!

We kept losing electricity, a piece of our garage siding flew away and a tree top snapped off and is resting on our bunny meadow fence. I'd nearly finished picking up the downed branches and twigs of winter; now there are hundreds down again. 

Oh well. It will take at least a week to pick it all up, yet at least we still have our home and our lives, two things which too many people down south lost last week.

May I always realize my blessings and may I always pray for those in trouble.

So I got up at 4 a.m. this morning, not for the royal pre-wedding coverage, but I watched two hours of it, anyway. I preferred the Canadian coverage from a local station--more back stories and films (did you see the tiny, peaceful town where Kate grew up?). And oh! Kate's dress was so amazing that, with just a peek of the lace at her shoulders and neckline when she first got inside the car, well, I got teary-eyed. Before anyone even saw it, the newscasters said it would be the most copied wedding gown for the next decade. Now, there's a dress worth copying! Simply stunning.

So I watched until they reached the altar and as everyone sang a hymn I smiled, wished the couple well, then turned off the tv and slept in Tom's recliner for another hour and a half. 

Thirty years ago I could watch only ten minutes of Diana's wedding--something felt all wrong to me. Too jolting, as though there was more sadness than gladness. A friend wrote me a letter about how she'd so enjoyed the wedding and found it romantic, but in my next letter to her, I mentioned nothing since I could say no good thing.

This time I felt only happiness and hope for the young couple. Life in their royal realm comes with untold stresses, but I wish them all good things and a close, united relationship for the rest of their lives.



  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I also watched, the music and service was very impressive, and more spiritual than expected. I thought her gown was so very nice...don't you hope it will help trend things back here even, towards more modest gowns? They do seem to really love each other, and hopefully will always guard that love.

    Blessings, Elizabeth in NC

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