Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our Day At The Country Fair

You might not believe me, but yesterday Tom and I finally did a fun non-yard-sale-related activity(!) We went to our Little Town In The Middle of Nowhere's annual country fair.

You would have loved it.

The fair was tiny, held behind the town library in the parking lot and surrounding lawns. No rides, no fireworks, no big, exciting shebangs.

Nah, just a classic car show, line dancers, food, a book sale and plant sale, raffles,pony rides and an Idol contest with adorable little farmgirls all under 12 or so. And tractors! Probably 100 tractors were lined up, some participating in the tractor games, which, when announced, I leaned over and asked Tom, "Is that anything like reindeer games?" heh.

We sat beneath a tent eating hamburgers and chips, watching people, and Tom smiled and said, "This is our town." And that seemed to say it all.


If I were Queen, all sheriffs' cars would look like this:

(Do check out the cherry light on top.)

And most cars would still resemble these:

And most tractors would look like this:

And half the dogs people bring with them to country fairs would be as sweet and beautiful as this one:

As I said, you would have loved it and in a way, you all were there beside me. I do tend to take you along wherever I go and oh, the old-fashioned places we see together!



  1. How fun!! That dog is pretty!
    Patty H.

  2. Now that's my kind of fair! What a perfect day!

  3. Oh I loved your photos. It was so cool cause I had just read about Almanzo and his family going to the country fair and wishing that they had things like that in my neck of the woods, and then your post. I also thought it was funny that their country fair went for 3 days and by the 3rd day Almanzo was tired of dressing up and going to the fair.
    Lisa :o)

  4. loverly! i bet it smelled all freshmowngrassy tractorfuely? mmm!

  5. Oh, how I WISH you were Queen!

    Sounds lovely, and I must ask, how many tractors does Tom have now?

  6. How sweet and old-fashioned!


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