Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Lamp and An Anniversary

Okay. I know we're not supposed to loooove stuff and things. I know that, ok? But oh my, I do so love my new yard sale lamp.

Does that look like ol' Debra, or what? And only $2! 

Another weekend present from God--that's how I like to view it. Just this week I wished for a different, 'warmer' lamp for that spot. Gee, imagine what would happen if I'd remember more often to pray and not just wish! (Sara wrote a fun post about that here.)

And perhaps it's an anniversary present for alas! Two years ago on this day, Tom and I moved into our old 1880's farmhouse. Wow. And what an adventure it has been... and continues to be.



  1. Happy Anniversary! It's hard to believe it is that long ago you moved into your farmhouse! And your lamp is lovely. That rounded leaf is very like Hungarian folk art, but the colors are different. It feels very fresh!

  2. Happy Anniversary!!

    I love your lamp! I don't think there's anything wrong with loving things - it's the part where we get too attached to them where we go wrong.

  3. 2 years already? how can it be? and i love stuff and things so there!

  4. Love the lamp..and God's faithfullness in supplying our every need!
    Happy farm have sure done a lot in a short time! It really reflects your joy in being there!


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