Monday, June 14, 2010

My Attempt at Random Thoughts

Judy always posts delightful random thoughts lists. They inspire me, make me smile.

But don't expect my random thought list to do that for you. I just thought I'd try it and see what transpires.  ツ

My Current Random Thoughts:

1. The morning birds in our yard sound like those lovely bird song recordings you hear with titles like, "Bird Songs For People Who Don't Get Out Much."

2. I'm tired of June rain and June clouds. Shouldn't June be so sunny, humid and hot that we're complaining about that?

3. It bothers me a lot that we've all been taught that--when we don't feel well-- treat the symptoms rather than the cause.

4. I found two great books at our country fair's book sale. The Christmas Mouse by Miss Read (am loving it). And In The Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith, one of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Both are hc and cost only $1 each.

5. Folks who think outside of the moldy ol' traditional box are my favorites. Oh, the creative ideas they come up with!

6. Tom and I have twice spied a bird in our yard which we've never, ever seen before and are making ourselves crazy trying to identify it. It's almost a solid deep blue-grey charcoal shade, about the size of a cardinal. Hmm.

7. I ordered twenty strawberry plants online and miraculously, each one survived the transit, my procrastination in planting them and my actual planting of them. They look pretty now (remember, when they arrive by mail, they look like stretched-out green worms. No leaves.).

8. Jimmy Dean died yesterday, but I would have sworn that he died two years ago. Weird.

9. This weekend Tom and I visited a new coffee shop in Lewiston. I ordered a warm cheese danish--and fell in love. "This is one of the best things I've ever eaten in my entire life!" I told Tom. "Give me one of these every single day of my life and I'll never complain about anything again." Of course, my life would then likely be shortened (all that cheese and sugar!), thus giving me fewer opportunities to complain.

10. Last week I finally hooked up my record player upstairs and the first song I listened to? Karen Carpenter's Rainy Days and Mondays. Oh my. Her songs always make me melancholy, but mostly because of how her life turned out. But still I listen. 

11. Wonder of wonders!  Tom and I are actually organized enough this year to be flying a flag on Flag Day.

Happy Flag Day to my readers!



  1. Our flag is flying too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your random thoughts! Also - thanks for the idea of looking up county fairs in my area. I will do that this week!
    Have a great day,
    Lisa :o)

  3. Love your random thoughts. Jimmy Dean's house on the James River here in VA burned down a couple of years ago, perhaps that made national news? Thanks for remindidng me, off to hang the flag.....

  4. Hi Debra,
    I'm a friend of Fawn's and saw the link to your blog on her blog... enjoy reading your blog so much.
    I often feel calm and rested after reading it. There's a feeling of peace and contentment; even when you're "complaining" you are steering back towards the light.
    Thank you.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Hi Debra,

    I wonder if your mystery birds are Whiskey Jacks (AKA Grey (Gray) Jays)?


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