Thursday, July 26, 2007

Anti-Procrastination Day

Every once in awhile I make myself take an Anti-Procrastination Day.

This is one of those every once in a whiles.

Today I'm paying the bills I've put off paying and sending emails I should have sent ages ago. I'm ordering postage stamps online, answering your comments in my blog and catching up on my ironing.

I'm actually reading the instructions to the new juicer I found at a yard sale--five weeks ago and finding recipes online for my new homemade cookbook, one I'll create like the ones here

Well, you know, that stuff easily put off until poof! It must be done, which then stresses us out.

(Look out--if I've owed you an email for eons, you may just receive one from me today.)

Tomorrow? I'll feel fabulous without all that procrastination weight upon my shoulders and head. Woo hoo! I feel lighter already, just breaking through the wall of Procrastination--and beginning. Anything. Everything.

Anyone else wish to join me?


"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." ...William James

"Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder." ... Mason Cooley


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I have those days every now and then. I did a little anti-procrastination work last night and a little more this morning. It helps me to lose my to-do list every now and then because I tend to keep myself far too busy with things that don't have to be done.

    Good for you on catching up! Have I told you yet that I like your new look?

  2. Maybe tomorrow. ;-)

    I'm laughing because I'm totally serious. I think it's a great idea, but I have to take my 8 year old to the dentist to have a tooth pulled today and that stresses me out quite a bit because she'll be frightened. Tomorrow might be a great day for taking care of things I've been avoiding. (notice how I said "might"? I'm very cagey that way.)

  3. I'm moving, and if there were any way to put it off, I would.

    I will be SO happy though, to get on the other side of 'this'.

  4. Oh, I really need to give myself one of those days - it's those little things I put off that seem so big....till I actually tackle them and then wonder what I was waiting for!

  5. I really needed that post. I have been putting off organizing my scrapbooking supplies and journal supplies.

    That was the little nudge I needed!! All organized now.

  6. Must be going around. I got some out of the way yesterday, too.

    my own quote: 'Somethings are like a foot with gangrene; if you ignore it, it goes away...'


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