Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Blogiversary

So what do you know...? Today is the third anniversary of my blog. Three years. Wow.

Seems like only six. :)

A special thanks to each of you who have been hanging around here for these three years...


  1. Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you have continued for three years.

    There must have been days...


  2. happy happy to you! and i am happy to have been known you for most of the 3 years! you have blessed my heart countless of times and in countless ways! may God continue to bless you, as you encourage & teach others!!!

    ((((hugs)))) your bud ...

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad you've been writing these past few years. I have been reading for probably two and a half of those years - the same amount of time that I have been a mother and made the decision to stay home full time. You have been an encouragement on such a regular basis and have even kicked me in the pants a few times when I needed to get a grip and a new perspective. So glad you're writing and sharing!

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Congratulations Debra...I haven't been around long, but as you know, I am truly blessed to have found you, and your lovely blog. Your posts inspire and encourage me so much....Kathy

  5. Happy Blogiversary, Debra! What a wonderful contribution you've made to the blogosphere. I love your new look, too!

  6. Happy happy! All the best in Year Number Four!

  7. Happy anniversary, Debra!

  8. Happy Blogiversary!

    Take Care

  9. Happy Anniversary!!

  10. Congratulations on your blogiversary.

    I'm looking forward to many more years of great posts.

  11. Hooray for you!

    I wish you lived next door.

  12. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Congratulations, Debra!

    So appreciate your willingness to yield, allowing Him to move in and through you and to touch.

    My prayer remains that He would personally bless and double back to you, all the life and blessings that your words have spoken into others.

    Thank you again, Shauna

  13. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I haven't been here in awhile. I like your new look.

    Happy blog anniversary.

    Yesterday was the *birth* day of my first granchild! He's a doll! I am in heaven.

  14. Happy anniversary!! As I mentioned in my comment on the previous post, I am new to your blog and love it.

  15. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Congrats Debra on 3 great years. So glad you have kept it up. You'd be surprised to know what an inspiration you are to others!

  16. Happy Annivesary! I enjoy reading you everyday! I'm looking forward to the next year.


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