Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentines: Encouragement Waiting To Happen

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27


That's the verse I was reminded of when I read something my friend, Wilma, wrote to our old-fashioned email group. One of the ladies thanked Wilma for the Valentine she'd mailed to her home and this was part of Wilma's reply:

"I'm glad the cards gave you a bit of cheer. That's really what I like about Valentine's Day. A bit of cheer in the dark of Feb. I try to send them to my housebound or nursing home neighbors and friends also. I get so much fun from doing it and it's good to know someone was made happy."

Amen, like, a million times! 

February 14th comes around when many people feel desperate for Springtime flowers, sunny afternoons, walks and porch talks with friends. I can only imagine how dark this month is for those who are shut-in, forgotten.

When I first read Wilma's words I immediately regretted that I'd not sent out Valentines to more widows. True, a couple of my friends are widows and I did send them sweet little cards in pink envelopes. But next year may I mail more Valentines to widows or singles or those, alone.

May I remember that a Valentine can act like hope and good memories and sweetness all-rolled-into-one upon a simple piece of paper. A Valentine can create a smile and gratitude, too, for being remembered.

Millions of people are desperate for even the most simple forms of love. Sometimes we forget that.

Last year I wrote about Anytime Valentines and I'd almost forgotten about those. I might mail some of those out later this month and on into March. Perhaps I'll include gift certificates or homemade certificates of promised gifts or visits. Or pass along Anytime Valentines with flowers from my garden later near summertime.

The possibilities are endless because peoples' needs are endless. 

Wilma and I agree: we just cannot understand how anyone could ever, ever hate Valentine's Day(???) Heaven forbid.

Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers!

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.
~ Mother Teresa

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.
~ Henry Drummond

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