Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Complication Not Spoken Here

For the record, I hate complication. Hate it. Hate it.

What do I mean by complication?

Complication, to me, is knowing in my heart what God wants me to do, yet analyzing that thing to death, then trying to enhance God's instructions with my own bright ideas. And failing all around.

You know, like when God asks you to show kindness to strangers and then your head, like rapid fire, starts shooting questions like:

"But what if I'm just hearing things? What if this isn't even You at all?"
"What if that person doesn't need any help/kind words?
"What if I suddenly can't think of a thing to say?"
"Shouldn't I do something bigger than what you're asking me to do?"
"What if they think I'm weird/demented/looney?"

That's the kind of complication I'm talking about.  That type of mind game complication (drama?) has cheated me out of years' worth of a grateful, giving life and denied others of what God wanted to give them through me.

Another word for this kind of complication is reasoning. Hate that, also, even though some Christians declare they thrive on figuring-out in their minds what to do or say or think or who to follow. 

Well, they can have it. 

I feel cheated anytime I do what God never asked me to do in the first place. Why? Because only God's ideas will succeed and bless others.

What have I chosen now instead of complication? Simplicity. Good old-fashioned simplicity which resonates more like this:

"You want me to help that person, Lord? Ok, show me what to do and then I'll trust you for the words to say."
"You want me to invite company over to my house? Well, please help me to keep things simple and think more about my friends having a good time rather than impressing them with the way my house looks."

Simplicity. Longing to know God so well that I can hear Him whisper then obeying, not asking for five signs and miracles before I'll step out on the water.

Coming away with God when He calls to those quiet places where I can best hear Him assuring me that He'll enable me to walk on any body of water up ahead.

"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.'" ... Luke 5:5

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