Monday, October 24, 2005

The 'To Be List'

Everyone (ok, me too) talks about their own To Do List as though it's the most important thing.

But I'm switching lists. I'm moving over to a To Be List.

A To Be List frees me. It stretches out Time because it takes time to become who God created you to be. It takes time to get to know Him and be changed by Him. It takes time to gain wisdom and to learn to walk by obedience instead of by what seems right to your head.

It takes a whole bunch of time to become all you can be.

You can't really become who you were meant to be by following a To Do List. Well, I can't, anyway. What I do and who I am are not always the same thing.

If I spend more time becoming who I was meant to be, I'll spend less time nagging others to follow their own To Do Lists. I'll become more concerned whether I'm doing right--it leaves no room, really, to poke and prod and frustrate others by my ordering them around. It gives me a relaxing break from feeling like Boss of the World. 

At least, that's what I've found. If I'm careful to be kind to Tom then he becomes more careful to be kind to me. Rather like, if I'm always nagging Tom, then he starts always nagging me. Only, responsive kindness adds up to an incredible life and responsive nagging leads to, well, to a whole different place--a place I hope to never return to.

The To Be List. It amazes me that I seem to accomplish more while following it, that the more I let God change me, the more I get done because I'm being led by His way of seeing and doing things, not mine.

God's way of seeing and doing things leads me to better places--and like I said, I hope to never go back to leading myself.


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