Saturday, October 22, 2005

Asking a Movie Favor

I must have movies on the brain this week.

Tom and I love mystery/suspense type films. Do you have recommendations to make our searching easier? We'd rather not watch ones which are rated R (I know, that cuts the list in half, easily). Yet, if the R rating is because of the language only, that's ok because of our handy-dandy TV Guardian DVD player. It knocks out the vast majority of the language. (The best $49 we ever spent.)

So what are your recommendations in the suspense, mystery or time-travel movie categories? Please list as many of your favorites as you can in case I've already seen one or two which you mention. I'll look them up on the Net and read about them and then I can send Tom to the video store or library with a list. What a time-saver that would be.

I can't wait to see what you recommend!


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