Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Flakey Days

...that's what I'm having--Flakey Days.

The day my parents left, I felt as though for two weeks I'd been swirling around in a whirlwind and then suddenly--whack! I slammed my head against a stop sign.

And I've been flakey ever since. Zombie-like. Just a plain ol' lazy, movie-watching slug.

It doesn't help that I think I caught a chill on Saturday while I sat in our old-fashioned supermarket sipping coffee in my wet-from-the-rain coat and hair and clothes and feeling chills go up and down my spine. Whenever we go from highs of 80 to highs of 40 in just days, my blood rebels by turning to icy slush.

I bought new warm pajamas yesterday (and stayed in them all day) because I'd been cold ever since that supermarket morning. They helped. After three days, my blood finally warmed-up.

Then today I went with Tom for his two-or-three-times-yearly injection for his back. I always drive him home from those because it's 'the law', not really because he needs me to. But it always requires that I wait for him for three hours. 

Of course, I could take the car and go shopping, but the traffic in that area is more insane than most areas, so I stay put. A year ago they added a tiny little coffee shop to the doctors' building so I buy coffee and read my books and watch people, most with braces and crutches and bent backs, walk past me. I do try to pray silently for most of them but after three hours of sitting and waiting I must admit I get antsy and I just plain want to get out of that place.

I am human, after all, and lately I've felt extremely human.

But today I am seeing lights at the tunnel's end and I feel a return to normal approaching. I am starting to care about things and people and computer life again. Always a good sign. Maybe it's because I'm finally feeling warm again. Finally feeling recovered from having hit that stop sign. Finally recovering from the whirlwind.


Oh, and a special thanks to each of you who recommended the suspense movies. I must be pretty well caught up--I'd seen all but one which you recommended! Either that, or it's a matter of us all having the same great taste in movies.

Tom and I watched a terrific one the other night. I'd mentioned that we usually don't watch rated R movies, but this was so-rated because of violence (I can close my eyes) and language (the handy dandy TV Guardian handles that for us). The movie is called The Impostor. After we fast-forwarded the opening credits, er hem, they could have left that part out, blush, the rest of it was extremely suspenseful and had us on the proverbial edge of our seats. 

An amazing thing--I figured out part of the ending minutes before it arrived--amazing, because usually I am so dense and so clueless and always so surprised by most endings. But this one I did figure part of it out-- and the other part took me by surprise, yet didn't. (One of those things where I will spoil it for you if I say anything else.)

Anyway,The Impostor was just right. At least for us.


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