Friday, October 21, 2005

Speaking of Movies...

There's a new movie out which I will definitely buy when it comes to DVD. It's showing right now in very limited areas, not my area, of course (darn).

It's called The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio.

When the book first hit the stores, I read a review of it in our Sunday newspaper then leaped down our stairs to our computer where I promptly bought it online.

It's a true story of a mother of ten children in the 1950's who made the best of a bad situation. Instead of just whining and complaining about her difficult life and her alcoholic husband  she did something about all of them. Cheerfully.

I like people like that. People who can create a good life out of a bad one because they search for the good. I like to spend time with people like that, but sadly, I find few.

I want to be someone like that. Today, there are more than enough negative, sour, I'll-yank-you-down-with-me people out there. 

Here is Roger Ebert's review of the movie. I'm glad Roger liked it. There must be a blue moon out right now, because only once in a blue moon do Roger and I love the same movie.

This may sound odd, but hey! It's true. If you were to ask me to list my Top Five Favorite Books of All-Time, the book from which this movie was made would be on my list.

Each time I reread this book, I complain a little less because it hits me-- I have nothing to complain about. This mother, Evelyn, could have rightly complained about her life and sunk beneath murky ponds of depression--but she chose higher roads. Higher roads.

And those are the roads I wish to travel, also.


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