Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Loving Normal

I am feeling better.

I no longer have that just-been-hit-by-a-train feeling. You know, the one which comes after you go careening around on adrenalin for two weeks.

Oh today! I'll wash dishes (you should see my poor sink) and do laundry, read and sit in the sun on the front porch. I'll iron clothes in our new room with the French doors and then I'll read and write email and send little presents to others by way of Abebooks or Ebay or Amazon. Later, I'll walk in the autumn light to get reacquainted with my neighborhood and hopefully there will be a breeze to flutter the leaf shadows around on the sidewalk.

This sounds like small potatoes to many of you, but oh my. My Normal is so good.

And if you love your Normal, you have it good, too.

It's not enough to just be blessed. We have to know we're blessed and thank God for it during the day and night. That's when Life really becomes wonderful. You know, all wrapped up with gratitude.

So, do you love your Normal?


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