Thursday, July 14, 2005

Not-So-Wonderful Wednesday


First thing in the morning, the house was like a sauna because the great outdoors was that way.

Second thing, the vet called at 8:30 a.m. to say that the previous day's tests came back for our (favorite) cat, Lennon. Looks like he's a diabetic. I'll have to give him shots since Tom faints at the sight of needles (I am so not kidding).

Third thing, Tom had the day off, but he wasn't feeling well. So we camped-out in our room all day with the air-conditioner and tv and DVD's. I embroidered a little bit. It was too hot to do anything else.

Fourth thing, Naomi emailed me to say she'd been very sick since Sunday, had seen the doctor on Tuesday and was told she had an ear infection in each ear. We called her to see if she wanted us to bring her anything, but she said no thanks.

We all have days like that and the temptation when I do? To meditate upon what is going wrong. To play it over and over in my mind like a video tape you watch until it wears thin.

And that is the test. Will I play that tape in my head until I have it memorized? Until it gets me so down that a grey day turns black? Until it overwhelms me to the point where I just choose to let the sad waves wash over me and I'm unable to reach out and help anyone else out there in that sea?

Or will I choose discipline? To make my mind go only where I want it to go, to things 'which are lovely, worthy of praise, excellent and of a good report'. To just take care of what I can and then trust that the rest will either take care of itself. Or that God will handle the rest.

There is a season for everything. Yesterday was my 'season' for acceptance, for trusting that this, too, shall pass. For keeping foremost in my mind and heart that God is still God, He is still good, and He is still in control.

And He still brings joy in the morning.


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