Friday, July 15, 2005

Not-So-Terrific Thursday

Well, I could give you a whole list of what went wrong yesterday, too, but I will spare you. It was one of those days which was so ridiculous--one thing after another--that you just had to laugh. Either that, or ruin the day by feeling frustrated and cranky.

But I chose to laugh. I chose to just keep drawing Life and humor and strength from God because I had too many years where, on days like that, I drew negativity, whining, complaining and misery instead. I now prefer Life and I've learned to receive it in the midst of days-gone-wrong, almost like an injection from God, Himself. It's hard to explain. It's kind of like the sap which keeps trees healthy and holding up their branches toward heaven. Lovely, life-giving God Sap.

Anyway, the highlight of my day? Going to the little supermarket less than a mile from us. I really should shop there more often. They have been in business for ...hmmm... I believe nearly 70 years and recently they had old black and white photos enlarged of their early years. All around the store up on the walls are huge photos of past clerks in their white aprons and customers, too, in their nifty hats and dresses. And the outside photos show old cars from the 1940's in the parking lot. Also, there are other scenes of other buildings in our town from days when much of it was empty fields.

Every time I walk into that store I feel as though I am a young bride again, of 25 years ago. This store is very much like the one I shopped in when I was first married and Naomi was just a baby munching Cheerios in the cart. Only that store was 2,500 miles away from where I am now, and more, that store was demolished years ago. How sad to see the empty lot there on Main Street when we visited our old hometown last October.

But our store here is still very much alive and hopping and always has a festive feeling. It's customers always seem happier and from a different time. And like I said, I'm reminded of the years I was in my 20's and pinching pennies like crazy and using ground beef 100 different ways and trying new recipes every week--trying to make something from nothing and feeling pretty proud of myself when I succeeded. Those were the days I would search the couch cushions for change when I needed margarine and then I'd walk to the store because I had no driver's licence, and buy the margarine (on sale) and feel downright thrifty--and grateful.

And now I am 46--or 'pushing 50' as I call it--and those days feel so long ago. I don't buy half of what I used to because we are trying to eat healthier--we can't get away with eating the old way anymore. But when I visit that store and push my cart through aisles which have seen fashions and hairstyles and fads from the 1940's through today, I feel catapulted back in Time. I am that young wife feeling like she's playing house and loving the game. It's even the days of Father Knows Best and Leave It To Beaver once again -- and I feel as though I have come home.

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