Thursday, June 16, 2005

Today Is The Day!

As a teenager, I super anticipated special days laced with parties or school trips or family journeys with anticipation running over as though from a glass. 

Yet my mother would tell me, "If you don't count on things too much, then you won't be disappointed if they don't happen." But I rebelled against that sad belief and kept on dreaming of big days and grand times ahead.

But now at mid-life I still amaze myself because I wake-up, stretch down to my toes, throw the covers back and smile secret smiles all the way to the kitchen. I make my pretend coffee in the microwave in my soft-yellow Fiestaware cup, hook my finger into the handle, then carry it carefully up the stairs, still smiling. I play my old Glenn Miller record, sit on the bed beside the breezy window, sip my coffee and start dreaming.

And I thank God that this will be a wonderful day if only for the fact that He will match all my steps and whisper hope and love and encouragement to me every summer minute. Every minute that I turn my head to listen.

I thank Him that this day, and all my days ahead, will be amazing simply because He is. Just because He's present, I can count on more smiles, dreams, secrets and more being used in aiding others in opening their eyes to see Him standing beside them, also. 

(Usually they're surprised to glimpse Him there!)

This day is guaranteed to be one of the very best I've ever had because God is the very best. Come what may, He will be here and when there's joy? He'll be here to share it. And if there be sorrow, He'll be here for that, also, with comfort.

But I am anticipating scads more joy than sorrow today!

Sorry, Mom.


"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." ... Psalm 23:6

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