Friday, June 17, 2005

Postponing Happiness

I've begun a whole lot of sentences in my life with, "I'll be happy when..."

I'll be happy when our bills are paid.
I'll be happy when we move to a bigger house.
I'll be happy when everyone likes me.
I'll be happy when I feel better.
I'll be happy when the weather cools down.
I'll be happy when the weather warms up.

--and many more.

Only a few years ago did I learn that in reality, I was postponing happiness. Putting it off for a future, glorious day when everything fell into place in utter perfection.

Right. Like that's gonna happen.

So I decided to just be happy now. To give myself permission to be happy even with the unpaid bills, the small house, the disappointed friends, the aches and the uncomfortable weather. I started choosing happiness instead of waiting for it. 

Many days I consciously choose to override my discontented feelings with contented ones, instead. Every day God is good. Every day there is a reason for thanksgiving.

No wonder I have so many good days now. No wonder everything looks different this other side of 40.


Choose you this imperfect day to be happy.


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