Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It's All Spiritual


Some people feel that reading your Bible and praying a lot and going to church means being spiritual.

This is what I believe:

When I'm running errands, it's spiritual. I am taking God out among people who do not yet know Him, becoming 'a living epistle read by all men' out in the highways and byways.

It's spiritual when I'm supermarket shopping, bringing home healthy food for my family so that we can live the length of days God intended and thrive in wellness, sharing love and Jesus with all our strength.

When I am shopping I'm relying on the Holy Spirit to help me make wise decisions and putting excellence into practice, leaving this place better than I found it, to smile into another person's eyes.

While loving my husband, it's spiritual. I'm obeying God according to His Word, loving in both word and deed. This is my chance to love my husband in the same way God loves me--unconditionally.

Cleaning house is a spiritual activity for I'm creating a clean, healthy environment for those people and pets God gave me. I'm serving God and man, caring for my godly presents, acting out of gratitude.

When I am dusting, mopping, washing, I'm being given a chance to meditate upon God, even walk with Him, learn from Him as I perform these simple tasks.

While sitting in a dentist's waiting room I can pray silently for all those sitting around me, perhaps being given a chance to speak encouraging words aloud.

When taking walks I can commune with my Creator, perhaps speaking to my neighbors about the hope alive within me.

To live in the moment with God on my mind--that is spiritual. That is life-changing, incredible.

And that is my goal.


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