Sunday, June 19, 2005

Marriage On a Sunday Morning

As he usually does, Tom called me down from my dream room this morning before he left for work. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Glenn Miller's Moonlight Serenade began playing on my record player and as I hugged Tom good-bye, I told him, "Let's dance." And we held each other and swayed to the haunting melody, right there in our living room--at six a.m. on a Sunday morning and everything.

That's what marriage is all about.

Oh, not just the dancing, but the moving in one accord. The making adjustments in the way we dance because of Tom's polio-stricken leg. The way Tom supported my request for a morning dance.

The sweet calmness, even though this next year is so up-in-the-air concerning where we we'll live and what we'll do for a living. The knowing our families won't like our plans, but realizing we must follow God anyway if we want to fulfill His plans for our life together.

The non-rushed, non-stressed-out-ness of Tom before he left for work. The being organized enough, peaceful enough, to have time for an impromptu dance.

The way Life still feels extremely good even though we've become empty-nesters.

The comfortable way I feel with Tom even in my short purple summer robe and with no make-up.

The growing-up and growing-old together and still being crazily in love, even after having faced hard times these past 26 years.

That's what marriage is all about.

And the music plays on.


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