Thursday, February 10, 2005

Choosing Timely Over Thoughtful

(Warning: You may have to go off into a quiet room and think about this one awhile. Oh, and this is way more than just a matter of semantics...)

I used to be thoughtful.

People would tell me, "Debra, you are the most thoughtful person." Or, "Your little notes and cards are always so nice. It's so thoughtful of you to send them, you sweet little thing, you." And well, more stuff like that.

You know.

But years ago... after I'd been traveling along on this new journey awhile, people stopped saying I was thoughtful. I rarely heard that word anymore.

No, the word changed to a different 'T word.'


People began saying this instead- "Oh, what you said/did was so timely." Or, "I've been asking God to help me in that area and He helped me through you." And "Your words were an answer to prayer."

There is a huge difference between, "Debra, you're so thoughtful," and "Debra, God spoke through you."

You see the difference, don't you? I get glory by being thoughtful. God gets glory by my being timely.

Can I give you the nitty gritty on this? It's not good enough to me for people to see a really good, new and improved me. I want something a trillion times better.

I want to be empty of Self. Empty of her opinions, too.

Self talks too loud. Her voice drowns out the voice of God so that she misses opportunities to help.

Self wouldn't know Wisdom if it hit her in the mouth. Self says things like, "Why don't you make a plan to email all your friends each Monday so that way they'll hear from you at least once a week?" But God says things like, "Why don't you just listen to Me and email people when I tell you? That way your notes will be timely and maybe even powerful."

I want people to look past Self and see Jesus. I want Jesus to get the glory for what He did through me. I want that to be really what happened--that He did something through me-- not just what I said happened.

And now you are free to go off into that quiet room and think about that. :)

Being a Christian is about much more than just following rules, charts and becoming disciplined. It's about following hard after God to know Him as your wisest friend.

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