Sunday, January 02, 2005


Acceptance is amazing.

Ever since the day I accepted that Tom and I will move away from this marvelous, old-fashioned town, I have felt such peace. More than the usual amount.

But that makes sense. Always, when I stop fighting God on something, I am left with profound peace. Even if I didn't 'win.' It's strange (stupid?) that I would expect to feel peace when I am fighting God in the first place.

I look back over the years of my life and feel pretty foolish that I fought God about so many things. Oh, maybe not vocally and like a wild woman (I am more quiet than that), but staunchly in my heart I insisted I was right and everyone else was wrong.

Good grief.

Acceptance is the starting point--there is no journey if I can't even get past the starting point.

And acceptance is like the reappearance of the sun when you've had weeks of cold, wet rain. Like the warmth inside which dries your tears. Like the battle's end.

Over and over I have reaped peace from accepting that things are the way they are(at least for now). And accepting the past. That things happen beyond my control and I can only do what I can do with God, then trust Him with the rest. And that He understands what I do not (earthquakes and tsunamis, included).

Another of my new year's resolutions? To stop learning the hard way. To truly accept that Father does know best and His plans for me are far more amazing than my own.


Happiness can exist only in acceptance." ... Denis De Rougamont



  1. You are so right.
    Unfortunatley my middle name is Stubborn.

    Take Care

  2. Acceptance occurs more "easily" for me when I am in "anticipation" mode...when I am more childlike in my responses and looking for God to be doing something. When I keep my eyes on the current situation (often negative) I find that acceptance comes hard and reluctantly. If I am living in the truth of say Jer. 29:11, and looking for God's provision, anticipating it like the gifts I received on Christmas morning, then acceptance comes naturally and life is filled with greater peace.

    But you're right...I was waste entirely way to much time arguing and fighting with God. Yours is a resolution that echos well with me!

  3. Sometimes I struggle with knowing the balance between Godly acceptance and giving up. Between trusting and praying for my desires. Between life's hard knocks and God's perfect will.

    Maybe it's not the balance I'm after, but knowing when what is appropriate.

    I don't think there's any hard and fast answer. I think I just have to trust that God will lead me on the best path for my life and show me when I accept and when I fight.

    I'm wondering if the overriding factor really isn't simply accepting God's control over my life and believing that He will show me how to respond. Sometimes it is hard for me to trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the path I'm to chose--and yet God says He'll lead, right?

    I really like this post, Debra. Thanks.

  4. I think Paula hit the nail on the head. For me anyways, it's the control factor. And all too often, I want to be the one in control. What a beautiful peace comes with acceptance though . . . nice post, as always!

  5. Thanks for your comments, Everyone. You've given me more to both think and write about. God bless... Debra


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