Friday, December 31, 2004

Peeking Into a New Year

"A new year may bring anything."

Now be honest. How many of you read that sentence and imagined something negative? I hope not too many.

Last December 31st I'd never even heard the world 'blog' before. Imagine! And yet now this blog has become a large part of my Monday through Sunday life. And I find myself caring for the 60.3 of you who read my words daily--I care that I put down something worth reading and considering during the day's hours.

Who knows what a new year may bring? I've a feeling this year will bring enormous changes for me. Naomi is forming plans to get married in February. Tom and I discuss moving back across the United States, meaning we'll be separated from Naomi for the first time in 25 years. Huge changes!

But I've learned you have to move with God or get left behind in a stagnant pool. Whether that means moving all your household goods or just stepping outside to introduce yourself to your neighbor. I've also discovered wherever God goes, the air is like deep, lasting joy. It permeates everything, and everyone, you touch. You discover paths which take you to new places. Like this very good place where I now live.

And like this very good place called Blogland.

For each of us, bloggers and readers of blogs, this new year will bring new paths, people and experiences. The excitement of the journey, though, is spoiled if we travel afraid. Or, heaven forbid, with a mind which resents new things. 


"This is what the Lord says...'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.'"- Isaiah 43:16,18,19



  1. I hope I am not the 0.3
    (actually since I read your blog three times a day that would make me a 0.1)

    Happy New Year.

    Take Care

  2. yup, you never know what a day holds - never mind a whole year . . . :o)

    i started the new year not thinking i would be involved in blogland . . . and meeting new folks through, who feel like old time friends already . . .

    Lord bless you in 2005 Debra . . . you and Tom and Naomi!

    a daily reader

  3. Good wishes to you as we bring in the New Year ... :)

    A consistent reader ( I miss some days, but always make up... )

  4. Thanks Michael, Jeanette and Saija for visiting so faithfully. I love hearing from each of you and I enjoy knowing you will be reading what I write.
    And thanks, Anne, for your first-time comment. I hope you will return many times.
    A very happy new year to each of you! God bless... Debra


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