Sunday, November 14, 2004

These Coming Days

I heard this from a pastor many years ago. I believe I read this story in a book later, too, and this is how I recall it--

A man was walking through his quiet, harvested fields alone, contemplating how good God had been to him.

Suddenly, he heard happy, excited voices approaching him from the distance, yet he could see no one. The voices became louder and then he looked up and saw three angels flying above him, just feet above his head. They fluttered by, appearing to take no notice of him. They were too happily speaking to one another in a language the man could not understand.

(Now, this story appeared way before the Urban Legends reference website was even thought of. I'm not going to look-up this story there, though... I've not yet become that cynical.)

Instead, I love believing that the skies are full of joyful, conversing angels. Especially in this time of global unrest, unhappy blogging theologians and the politically-consumed.

In these Last Days, darkness will increase--but so will the Light. Who knows what kinds of fantastic things we will see? Maybe we'll see totally mind-boggling things like Christians folding away their differences and really loving one another.

Now that would be an eye-popping sight.


"It is not the arguments of theologians that solve the problems of a questioning heart, but the cry of that heart to God, and the certainty that God has heard."
... from the book, God Calling

1 comment:

  1. I think there are angels talking all the time. Many times, small children are the ones to see and feel them. Which raises the question of did we lose our childlike spirituality ... the unquestioning trust that we had as children? Or did we just replace it with other things? And, now, as adults we realize what we've lost and seek to find it again.


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