Sunday, November 14, 2004

Are They Discussing Politics In Heaven?

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." ...From The Lord's Prayer


When we get to Heaven, will our conversations center around President Bush and how he ran the United States?

Will we discuss the U.S. Presidential Election of 2004?

Will we debate who has better morals--Republicans, Democrats, Liberals or Independents? 

Will we argue red states and blue states? John Ashcroft? Arlen Specter?

Personally, I think not.

There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. A time to fight and a time to pray. How refreshing to discover blogs whose authors can move with grace from season to season (I found some this morning). And especially blessed are those bloggers who have moved on from the Election and are discussing subjects which help people change from the inside, out. Subjects which maybe, just maybe, we will discuss in Heaven:

Love, kindness, joy and grace. Prayer, hope, worship, praise. Forgiveness, encouragement and sowing seeds. Songs, creativity, miracles, helping. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Angels, peace, unity.

And no, we're not in Heaven yet. But to me, these subjects are both vital and eternal--and they will take an eternity to explore. 

Now? We're in need of writers who will tackle these subjects in relevant ways for this 2004 world of searchers. I want to join those who are trying to do just that.

Besides, when I travel to Heaven, I want to be able to speak the language.


And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3


  1. Hey that's a good list of things to write about.
    Hope I cover some of them.

    In the meantime I am working on my personal communion in/within the presence of God on a daily basis, as prompted through what I experience during the day, or, what I read in his Word to us. Maybe a combination of the two, too.

    The big thing I recognise is that I have to refocus on God, on his person and magesty, power, and capability, and especially on what he wants to do and achieve in my life and the life of those close to me, and not what I want.

    Nice post Deb, thanks.

  2. I guess in Heaven we'll all speak the same language for the first time since the Tower of Babel.


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