Saturday, November 13, 2004

Living a Pretend Life

Last week I had a strange thought. What if I created another blog, one in which I would write as someone else--someone living my "dream life"?

Years ago, Tom and I used to drive through the countryside and imagine a wildly-different, dreamy life for ourselves. What if we ran a bed-and-breakfast inn from a great big cobblestone farmhouse on ten acres? What if we had a barn, farm animals and three or four kids under the age of ten who we'd homeschool and let run all over those ten acres?

Dreams like those made us smile. They also made us tired.

(Along the way, Tom and I learned that, although we "can do all things through Christ," we still can only accomplish God's custom-designed plan for us with His custom-fitted grace.)

But back to this Pretend Life blog--

For only minutes I imagined making up a name and yes, a fake life and using the whole thing as a writing exercise. As a way to let my imagination run around the park for stronger muscles, I would describe how I baked blueberry muffins which drew down the inn's sleepy guests from upstairs. Or I'd tell how little Aubrey skinned her knee when she fell out of the swing which she shared with her brother, Benjamin. Or I'd write about gathering apples from the orchard and making a scarecrow with our oldest son, Luke.

I might have quite the audience who would enjoy living vicariously through my romantic country adventures with the inn and all those little kids. People would leave comments. I'd make new friends. It would be great.

Except for one thing: My story would be a lie.

I'd be making friends under false pretences and they'd like me for who I was not. I'd be describing a life which didn't exist and one which I knew nothing about firsthand--so I'd be leaving out lots of gritty truth, perhaps thus tempting folks to move to a farm without realizing what hard work it really involves.

Of course, I could keep the blog private. For my eyes only. But somehow, that doesn't sound like much fun.

Oh well.

But all this imaginary-life-blogging got me to thinking. How often do we present a fake life before other people? Or hold back our real self instead, presenting something we believe is better? Just how many masks do we wear in one day?

Can we live a real life without being real with ourselves, and with God, first?

Just wondering. (I think I already know the answer to this one.)


Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away...Philip K. Dick



  1. The other problem with inventing a pretend life is that you would slip further and further into that perfect life and grow increasingly dissatisfied with your real life.

    You would yearn more and more for a life that wasn't attainable and your real life would suffer.

    As it is, I think you already live a fairly interesting life, filled with people who love you. Why would you want to change? (That's not to say that I haven't had the same fleeting thoughts on occasions.)

  2. Hi again, Rodney... Thanks for your comments! I think Tom and I still think about the bed and breakfast idea because that may be something God wants for us in the not-so-far-away future. We do know that a big change is coming for us sometime rather soon and we would both love for it to include the B&B in the country. It's never too far from our minds, so it may be that it's a God-planted dream. But I think I will wait to write about it after it happens to us in Real Life. :o) Thanks again! ...Debra

  3. What a lovely, peaceful dream. I hope your future does include something like what you've written. How wonderful that would be ... to have your existing past and your dream a reality. Then you could blog about it and we could fall in love with it and it would be reality!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.